The cookers are endowed with a device that in-
sulates the sides: it consists of two fans, fed by
AC power that allow a best isolation and allow
to exploit the heat produced by the cooker at its
best. This solution is useful in case of installation
between furniture or walls. The fans are governed
by a thermostat: you can regulate it by setting the
switching on temperature on the hand grip located
inside the compartment that hosts the wood box.
For installations inside other furniture we suggest
to set the thermostat on the value of 60° C.
The refractory mortar used for the internal walling
contains always a little moisture that is eliminated
after the first periods of use: so it is normal that
the first times you light the cooker a little conden-
sation is being generated.
All the refractory materials inside the cooker ex-
perience a settlement process that may generate
small holes on the bricks, such holes do not pre-
clude anyway the working of the cooker.
Other settlements may involve other parts of the
cooker so during the heating and cooling phases
you might hear light noises. These symptoms do
not absolutely preclude the use of the cooker and
fading out till disappearance with the constant use
of the cooker.
Before starting to use the cooker, remove the
packaging materials in the oven and in the wood
box, remove the stickers and remove the plastic
film in which is wrapped the plate and remove with
a rag the most of the oil on its surface. We suggest
to make a first lighting of the cooker just to verify
the correct installation. The first lighting must be
done with moderate fire, using little wood broken
in small pieces. In the next lightings you can pro-
gressively increase the load of combustible.
In the first lightings, bad smell caused by pro-
cessing residuals might happen. This is normal, it
requires the ventilation of the room and will fade
WARNING! During the installation and during the use pay attention not to obstruct the
air flow holes located in the plinth, this can compromise the isolation and the correct
working of the cooker.
WARNING! During the first lightings of the cooker it is recommended to keep the oven
door open to allow the expulsion of eventual working residuals, otherwise the cooker
could suffer damages.