Beijing RichAuto S&T Co., Ltd.
Forging ahead and determined to win 39
pressing ―
Set interval to a negative value if users want a manual control during array
5 . 6 . 2
Resume work
Steps as follows:
Press ―
‖ to move cursor to resume work, press ―
‖ to enter, then
press ―
‖ or ―
‖ to select different break points, and then press ―
‖, system
will restore processing from the break point.
If you want to go backwards from this breakpoint,
press ―
‖and input the line No., and then press ―
‖, system will work from the new
line number.
Specific operation steps in 5.5.3 breakpoint processing & power down protection
5 . 6 . 3
Tool changing
It achieve manually change the tools at the position you set. Press ―
‖ to enter into the
setup, and also press ―
‖ back to work origin.
5 . 6 . 4
Part work
Park work means user can select start line and stop line, so part of the processing file can be
processed. Steps as follows
Press ―
‖to set, press ―
‖ and ―
‖ to move the cursor to select defferent
file list;
‖ to enter, press ―
‖ and ―
‖ to select a file, then press
‖, system start to read the file.