Add: 5F, No.4 building, No 4. Yard, life Rd, life science park,
010-53275118 Fax
Eg2.: If the lathe working feed count is divide
0.5, the “LastPcnt” value is 0.1, then two times in the mi
by the dsp system (the two times feed depth ratio in the middle are both 0.2).
“FrstPcnt” and “LastPcnt” lose efficacy when the “Feed cnt” value is 1.
Spiral work list
Twist number in need for processing
The rotating angle of a twist in processing
Pulse equivalent of a rotating shaft
The speed of rotating shaft
How many processing times for completing one twist (The depth of each process will
be evenly distributed).
1 WayScrw
One-way screw processing can avoid screw gap, it twisting from only one side to
another every time.
Loop Proc Setup
Set recycle the processing files. First, select lathe grinding file (The first letter of the
file name must be
), and then choose spiral file
letter of the
) .
Work speed
Work speed in “4 axis” mode.
Lathe work speed
Work speed in lathe turning & grinding mode.
Origin offset
Workpiece zero offset, each axis position offset in the setting of the working origin.
Auto speed ratio
In auto processing, actual processing speed=work speed*auto s
speed ratio” does not affect the “fast speed”.
Fall down scale
Fall down scale
system default is 1.000
fall down speed = Z-(neg)
Beijing RichAuto S&T Co., Ltd
, No.4 building, No 4. Yard, life Rd, life science park, Beiqing St., Changping dist.
010-53275110/53275111 Web site
Eg2.: If the lathe working feed count is divided into 4 times, the “FrstPcnt” value is
0.5, the “LastPcnt” value is 0.1, then two times in the middle will be divided equally
(the two times feed depth ratio in the middle are both 0.2).
and “LastPcnt” lose efficacy when the “Feed cnt” value is 1.
for processing.
The rotating angle of a twist in processing
system default value is 0
Pulse equivalent of a rotating shaft
rotating shaft which moving from the completed twist to
How many processing times for completing one twist (The depth of each process will
way screw processing can avoid screw gap, it twisting from only one side to
Set recycle the processing files. First, select lathe grinding file (The first letter of the
, and then choose spiral file(Mark the file name with the first
Work speed in “4 axis” mode.
Lathe work speed
k speed in lathe turning & grinding mode.
Workpiece zero offset, each axis position offset in the setting of the working origin.
ctual processing speed=work speed*auto speed ratio
not affect the “fast speed”.
system default is 1.000
fall speed=fast speed*fall down scal
(neg) speed limit value*fall down scale.
Beijing RichAuto S&T Co., Ltd
ist. Beijing, China
into 4 times, the “FrstPcnt” value is
ddle will be divided equally
(the two times feed depth ratio in the middle are both 0.2).
and “LastPcnt” lose efficacy when the “Feed cnt” value is 1.
that is straight
to the next twist.
How many processing times for completing one twist (The depth of each process will
way screw processing can avoid screw gap, it twisting from only one side to
Set recycle the processing files. First, select lathe grinding file (The first letter of the
(Mark the file name with the first
Workpiece zero offset, each axis position offset in the setting of the working origin.
peed ratio
fall speed=fast speed*fall down scale