Add: 5F, No.4 building, No 4. Yard, life Rd, life science park,
010-53275118 Fax
Some of the stepper motor drivers directly mark the pulse number of the
revolving one full turn.
Distance of machine moved when motor revolving one full turn calculation formula:
a. Lead screw drive machine=lead screw pitch*transmission ratio
b. Rack (straight tooth) drive machine=rack module*gear teeth*pi*transmission ratio
c. Rack (helical tooth) d
ratio/cos(helix angle)
d. Belt pulley and belt drive machine=pi*belt pulley diameter*transmission ration
So, stepping motor system calculation formula:
Lead screw drive:
Name plate 1 for stepping drive Nam
The Pulse/rev in Nameplate 1 represents the pulse number of motor
revolving one full turn. At this moment, we need only choose the corresponding value
according to the actual dial without computing the numerator in the calculation formula.
For example, if you choose 3200 in Nameplate 1, then we could get that
subdividing number of drive=3200.The MSTEP in Nameplate 2 represents the
Beijing RichAuto S&T Co., Ltd
, No.4 building, No 4. Yard, life Rd, life science park, Beiqing St., Changping dist.
010-53275110/53275111 Web site
Some of the stepper motor drivers directly mark the pulse number of the
Distance of machine moved when motor revolving one full turn calculation formula:
Lead screw drive machine=lead screw pitch*transmission ratio
Rack (straight tooth) drive machine=rack module*gear teeth*pi*transmission ratio
Rack (helical tooth) drive machine=rack module*gear teeth*pi*transmission
Belt pulley and belt drive machine=pi*belt pulley diameter*transmission ration
So, stepping motor system calculation formula:
pulse equivalent=
stepping angle ∗ subdividing
lead screw pitc
∗ transmission
plate 1 for stepping drive Name plate 2 for stepping drive Name plate 3 for stepping motor
The Pulse/rev in Nameplate 1 represents the pulse number of motor
revolving one full turn. At this moment, we need only choose the corresponding value
according to the actual dial without computing the numerator in the calculation formula.
you choose 3200 in Nameplate 1, then we could get that
subdividing number of drive=3200.The MSTEP in Nameplate 2 represents the
1.8 is stepping angle
Beijing RichAuto S&T Co., Ltd
ist. Beijing, China
Some of the stepper motor drivers directly mark the pulse number of the motor
Distance of machine moved when motor revolving one full turn calculation formula:
Rack (straight tooth) drive machine=rack module*gear teeth*pi*transmission ratio
rive machine=rack module*gear teeth*pi*transmission
Belt pulley and belt drive machine=pi*belt pulley diameter*transmission ration
subdividing number
transmission ratio
for stepping motor
The Pulse/rev in Nameplate 1 represents the pulse number of motor
revolving one full turn. At this moment, we need only choose the corresponding value
according to the actual dial without computing the numerator in the calculation formula.
you choose 3200 in Nameplate 1, then we could get that (360°/stepping
subdividing number of drive=3200.The MSTEP in Nameplate 2 represents the
1.8 is stepping angle