Add: 5F, No.4 building, No 4. Yard, life Rd, life science park,
010-53275118 Fax
7. Handle LCD digital changes,
Analysis and solutions
If only one axis is not moving, it may be a connection problem.
terminal to this terminal, if it is ok,
something wrong with interface board
necessary to detect the corresponding drive
If all axes are not moving, firstly check if there are
interface. Secondly check the power supply of the motor drivers.
the mechanical part.
8. It is normal to the move from one location to another location, but when
return from that position to the or
Analysis and solutions
Mechanical problems
Electrical components and wiring problem
1. An axis or multi-axis only one
Analysis and solutions
(1) There is something wrong with the lines connect the interface boardwith the motor
check the connection.
(2) Interface board is damaged.
(3) The motor driver damaged.
2. The certain axis motor does no
Analysis and solutions
(1) Operator makes pulse line and direction line
(2) 5V common anode end of the
(3) The motor driver is damaged, operator can prom
(4) The chip of the interface board damages, no pulse
3. Screen is not bright after handle power
with a USB cable the screen
Analysis and solutions
(1) The handle does not connect to power supply.
normal or not, if normal please check
(2) The 50-pin cable is damaged or the interface is broken.
4. Screen is not bright after handle
computer by USB cable,
Analysis and solutions
(1) This phenomenon may due to the handle shocked by
Beijing RichAuto S&T Co., Ltd
, No.4 building, No 4. Yard, life Rd, life science park, Beiqing St., Changping dist.
010-53275110/53275111 Web site
. Handle LCD digital changes, the machine does not move
one axis is not moving, it may be a connection problem. Change another normal
if it is ok, indicate the motor driver works normally. So
interface board or 50-pin cable. If it is still does not move
necessary to detect the corresponding driver and motor.
firstly check if there are problems in the 50-pin cable
econdly check the power supply of the motor drivers. Lastly, you have to check
is normal to the move from one location to another location, but when
return from that position to the original position is not normal
screw may install not well.
Electrical components and wiring problem
axis only one-way movement after handle power
There is something wrong with the lines connect the interface boardwith the motor
check the connection.
Interface board is damaged. Replace the interface board.
damaged. Replace the driver
2. The certain axis motor does not move after handle power-on
Operator makes pulse line and direction line oppositely
rewiring it.
5V common anode end of the motor driver disconnected, check the connection.
damaged, operator can promote motor after handle power
interface board damages, no pulse signal output.
3. Screen is not bright after handle power-on
and connected handle to computer
with a USB cable the screen displays normal
The handle does not connect to power supply. Check DC24V power supply output
or not, if normal please check the cable from the power supply to the interface
pin cable is damaged or the interface is broken.
after handle power-on
and connect the handle to
the screen is also not bright
This phenomenon may due to the handle shocked by external force or fall
Beijing RichAuto S&T Co., Ltd
ist. Beijing, China
Change another normal
indicate the motor driver works normally. So there is
If it is still does not move, it is
pin cable and
Lastly, you have to check
is normal to the move from one location to another location, but when
after handle power-on
There is something wrong with the lines connect the interface boardwith the motor
disconnected, check the connection.
ote motor after handle power-on.
and connected handle to computer
Check DC24V power supply output
the cable from the power supply to the interface
and connect the handle to
or fall on the