Add: 5F, No.4 building, No 4. Yard, life Rd, life science park,
010-53275118 Fax
PS1.System upgrade
During the using of dsp controller may
handle needs to be upgraded, the operation is as follows:
1.1 Common method
Copy the compressed file to U disk and insert the U disk into handle, upgrade file format
is **.PKG which displays as rz
and enter into“system setup”, press
cursor and choose”System Update”, then
to enter into “
to wait the system complete auto updating.
Restart the controller after the updating successfully.
1.2 Quick method shortcut key upgrade
Make sure the update file is already restored in
the controller.
Press “
to enter into
automatically complete the upgrade, after the upgrade is completed, restart the handle.
Beijing RichAuto S&T Co., Ltd
, No.4 building, No 4. Yard, life Rd, life science park, Beiqing St., Changping dist.
010-53275110/53275111 Web site
PS1.System upgrade
During the using of dsp controller may get the updated versions of the system software, so
handle needs to be upgraded, the operation is as follows: U disk compressed file upgrade
Common method entering updating menu
Copy the compressed file to U disk and insert the U disk into handle, upgrade file format
displays as rz-xxxx or qxx-xx on handle.
and enter into“system setup”, press “
cursor and choose”System Update”, then the screen displays:
to enter into “UDisk File” and select correspond update file, and then
to wait the system complete auto updating.
Restart the controller after the updating successfully.
1.2 Quick method shortcut key upgrade
Make sure the update file is already restored in the U disk, and then insert Udisk into
the screen displays:
to enter into “UDisk File” and find the update file. The system will
automatically complete the upgrade, after the upgrade is completed, restart the handle.
Select Update File
Internal File
Recent File
UDisk File
Select Update File
Internal File
Recent File
UDisk File
Beijing RichAuto S&T Co., Ltd
ist. Beijing, China
get the updated versions of the system software, so
U disk compressed file upgrade
Copy the compressed file to U disk and insert the U disk into handle, upgrade file format
”to move the
UDisk File” and select correspond update file, and then
the U disk, and then insert Udisk into
and find the update file. The system will
automatically complete the upgrade, after the upgrade is completed, restart the handle.
Select Update File
Internal File
Recent File