RHOTHETA User Manual RT-800
Page 77 of 192
Press “DEL” button of the keypad to delete a selected message.
Press hotkey “Delete All” in order to delete all COSPAS-SARSAT messages.
A detailed explanation of all hotkeys can be found in the next chapters.
Area “C” indicates the time when the next COSPAS-SARSAT pulse is expected. If after one
minute no COSPAS-SARSAT pulse is received, the bar-graph-indicator is fully filled and
shows the text “--:--“.
The indicator in the area “D” (s. Fig. 60, “D”) shows the following values:
Direction from the current GPS position to the position of the marked COSPAS-
SARSAT message (“GPS TB” = GPS True Bearing).
Distance from the current GPS position to the position of the actually marked
COSPAS-SARSAT message (the indication “km” or “NM” is adjustable in the “Setup”,
By viewing an old message frequency may be other than the current frequency.
In this case the frequency is displayed in gray.
The current frequency is displayed in white. The current frequency is also
displayed in the label of the hotkey for adjusting frequency.
GPS TB data can be shown only if compass and GPS are available.
The distance can be shown without connection of vessels compass if GPS is connected to
6.3.3 COSPAS-SARSAT Bearing View
This COSPAS-SARSAT bearing view allows the graphical indication of the decoded
COSPAS-SARSAT information of the selected beacon ID.
Press the hotkey “C/S Bearing” (s. Fig. 58, position 2) to open the “COSPAS-SARSAT
Bearing” view.
Please note that the label of the hotkey will turn to “C/S List” in order to get to the list page
again (s. 6.3.2).
The “C/S Bearing” page displays the following information, which corresponds to the selected
beacon ID:
The numerical bearing indication (True Bearing)
The indication of the calculated bearing as the gray arrow (“GPS Arrow”)
The calculated distance to the target
The COSPAS-SARSAT frequency
The heading of the ship indicated by the compass rose and the top triangle (here: 61°)
Corresponding number and beacon ID and
the time of the last received pulse
Pressing the “Left” and “Right” arrow buttons of the keypad switches between the older and
newer messages of the same emergency beacon.