RHOTHETA User Manual RT-800
Page 136 of 192
To change the baud rate, press the hotkey “Edit Value” while the menu item “Baudrate”
is marked (s. Fig. 141). The corresponding sub-dialog will be opened (s. Fig. 143).
Fig. 143 Remote control baud rate configuration
Choose the new baud rate value in the drop-down menu.
Press the hotkey “Reset Values” to use the default value of “4800”.
Confirm the setting with “OK” or leave the dialog without adopting the new value by
pressing “ESC”.
Remote Address ID
It is a setting, which is used to give the direction finder an address ID for the NMEA
The DF only reacts to the NMEA request sentences, if the address ID in the sentence is equal
to the address, which is selected via this setting (or has the value 255, if the ID was not set).
For further explanation please refer to the document “NMEA-Protocol Description RT-800”.
When using address ID = 255, then all connected DF systems are addressed, independent of
their internal IDs.
The address ID can take values between 0 and 99.
To change this Setting, press the hotkey “Edit Value” while the menu item “Remote
Address ID” is marked (s. Fig. 141). The corresponding sub-dialog will be opened (s.
Fig. 144 Remote control address ID configuration
Use the number keys of the DCU keypad to enter the new value for the “Address ID”.
Press the hotkey “Set Default” to use the default value of “0”.