RHOTHETA User Manual RT-800
Page 135 of 192
First, the squelch level gets adjusted on the LAN command. During this time the
message from the COM port is buffered.
After that, the squelch level gets adjusted on the command from COM port.
Pressing the hotkey “Edit Value” while “Port” is marked (s. Fig. 141), opens the
following sub-dialog (s. Fig. 142).
Fig. 142 Remote communication port configuration
Selecting “COMx” (s. Fig. 142, positions 1, 2 and 3) configures the corresponding
NMEA interface as the remote communication port.
If communication ports other than the default port (COM3) are not used, they will appear as
hotkeys in the dialogs (as possible ports to use for the NMEA remote communication).
Nevertheless, the communicatoin port COM3 is internally connected to MOXA for remote
control purposes.
Please do not:
adjust other COM-ports for remote control.
use COM3 for purposes other than remote control.
disconnect MOXA, if MOXA is used for remote control.
This setting will only set the communication port. Additional transmitting the NMEA
sentences over LAN should be set in the top level menu (s. Fig. 141, position 4).
Press the hotkey “Set Default” to use the default value (COM3/LAN).
Confirm the setting with “OK” or leave the dialog without adopting the new value by
pressing “ESC”.
Defines the speed of NMEA interface data transfer.
The default value for the baud rate of the NMEA remote control is 4800. The baud rate can be
changed using this menu item.
For further information please see the document “NMEA Protocol Description RT-800”.