Model MMU-1600G Series Op Man - Ver 1.07.23 - Rev 20151026DL
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Modifying Inputs:
Feature Interactions:
2.5.14 Programming Card Absent Monitoring
Test Preformed:
If the programming card is not present or not seated properly in the connectors the monitor generates a
Fault Action:
The monitor transfers the Output relay contacts to the fault condition (continuity between the Normally Open
and Common contacts), illuminates the
indicator on the front panel. The Signal Sequence log and the Prior
Faults log will record this fault.
Resetting the Fault:
Proper insertion of a Program Card is required before the fault can be reset. The monitor remains in
this fault condition until the unit is reset by the activation of the front panel reset pushbutton, activation of the reset input,
power loss, or power interruption. The Reset log will record the resetting of this fault.
Modifying Inputs:
Feature Interactions:
2.6.1 Flashing Don’t Walk Monitoring
The setting of Flashing Don’t Walk Enabled determines if this feature is active. All channels with a setting
of “Y” for Channels with Pedestrian Displays will include a flashing red on that channel in the displays checked for conflicts.
The testing defaults for this feature are all channels disabled for Channels with Pedestrian Displays and Flashing Don’t Walk
Monitoring Enabled set to no.
Tests Modified:
: Normal conflict testing checks active Green, Walk, and Yellow displays for being permissive. With this feature
active, any channel with a setting of “Y” will have a flashing Red included in the channels checked as permissive. A flashing
input is defined as an input that stays ON for at least 200 milliseconds and no longer than 600 milliseconds and is OFF for at
least 200 milliseconds and no longer than 600 milliseconds. A Flashing Don’t Walk conflict must exist for 1500
milliseconds to be detected as a fault. This time allows the monitor sufficient time to detect transitions from the flashing state
to the solid on state and not falsely trip.
Typical Use
: This feature is used to provide additional fault checking for Flashing Don’t Walk displays. Without this feature
a flashing Red input is never checked for conflicts.
2.6.2 Co-Channel Monitoring
The setting of Co-Channel / Per Channel Red Enables determines if this feature is active. All channels with
a setting of “Y” for a Co-Channel Child setting will include the Green (and Walk if in Type 12 mode) on the child channel
with the displays of that channel when checking for red fail. If Co-Channel Childs Includes Yellow is enabled the Yellow of
the child channel is included as well as the Green (and Walk if in Type 12 mode). Co-Channel monitoring is disabled when
the RED ENABLE input is not active. The testing defaults for this feature are all Co-Channel Childs disabled and Co-
Channel / Per Channel Red Enables set to no.
When a channel is programmed as a child of another channel, it is a one way relationship. Therefore, if channel 9 is assigned
as a child of channel 2 there is no implied reverse relationship of channel 2 being a child of channel 9. If this operation is
desired, it must be explicitly programmed as such.
Tests Modified:
Red Fail
: Normal red fail testing ensures that at least one display is active for a channel. With this feature active, any channel
with a setting of “Y” for a child channel will have the Green (and Walk if in Type 12 mode) of the child channel included
when checking for a red fail. If Co-Channel Childs Includes Yellow is enabled the Yellow of the child channel is included as
well as the Green (and Walk if in Type 12 mode).
Typical Use
: This feature is useful when the monitor has a channel that may have all outputs off while another channel’s
output is on for the movement of traffic. Overlaps and Protected / Permitted applications with four and five section signal
heads are common examples. Under normal operation, the Red Enable input would have to be deactivated during the time
that channel would have no output to keep a Red Fail fault from occurring. The Co-Channel monitoring feature allows the
user to select other channels that will be tested along with the parent channel such that a Red Fail fault will only occur if the
parent channel has no outputs on and the Green, Walk, and optionally the Yellow of the child channels have no output on.