Model MMU-1600G Series Op Man - Ver 1.07.23 - Rev 20151026DL
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Fault Action:
The monitor transfers the Output relay contacts to the fault condition (continuity between the Normally Open
and Common contacts), illuminates the
indicator on the front panel, and sets the Controller Voltage Monitor bit
(bit 57) of the Type 129 Frame to 1. The Signal Sequence log will record this fault. The Prior Faults log will record this
fault if Log CVM Events is enabled.
Resetting the Fault:
Restoration of proper voltage to the CVM input will reset this fault. Once tripped to the fault state, the
minimum flash time must time before normal operation can be restored. The Reset log will record the resetting of this fault.
If the CVM Latch jumper is installed on the Program Card, the monitor remains in this fault condition until the unit is reset
by the activation of the front panel reset pushbutton or the activation of the reset input. Power loss or power interruption will
not reset this fault.
Modifying Inputs:
Feature Interactions:
Modified CVM Latch
: When this feature is enabled and the CVM Latch jumper is installed the monitor will not latch a
CVM fault until the CVM input has been valid (Low) for more than 175 milliseconds. This feature is useful in cabinets
where the CVM input may not always be valid within the programmed Minimum Flash time and where latched CVM
failures is desired.
Log CVM Events
: When this feature is enabled the Prior Faults log will record this fault. Disabling this feature is useful
when the intersection uses the CVM input to provide time of day flash. This will keep the Prior Faults log from filling up
with normal flash operations.
2.5.12 Local Flash
Test Preformed:
A voltage of less than 8V
(low) is recognized as a request for Local Flash. A voltage greater than 16V
(or floating) is recognized as normal operation. When the Local Flash input is detected as low for more than 175
milliseconds, the monitor generates a fault. A Local Flash request during the programmed Minimum Flash time shall not
cause a fault.
Fault Action:
The monitor transfers the Output relay contacts to the fault condition (continuity between the Normally Open
and Common contacts), illuminates the
indicator on the front panel, and sets the Local Flash bit (bit 79) of the
Type 129 Frame to 1. The Signal Sequence log will record this fault. The Prior Faults log will record this fault if Log Local
Flash Events is enabled.
Resetting the Fault:
Restoration of a voltage greater than 16V
(or floating) to the Local Flash input will reset this fault.
Once tripped to the fault state, the minimum flash time must time before normal operation can be restored. The Reset log
will record the resetting of this fault.
Modifying Inputs:
Feature Interactions:
Disable Local Flash
: When this feature is enabled and the Local Flash input will be ignored.
Log Local Flash Events
: When this feature is enabled the Prior Faults log will record this fault. Disabling this feature is
useful when the intersection uses the Local Flash input to provide time of day flash. This will keep the Prior Faults log
from filling up with normal flash operations.
2.5.13 External Watchdog Monitoring
The setting of External Watchdog Enable determines if this feature is active. The testing default for this
feature is disabled.
Test Preformed:
The External Watchdog input is connected to Pin S on Connector B (Spare 2). A voltage of less than 8V
is recognized as a low and a voltage greater than 16V
is recognized as a high. The input must change states at least once
every 1500 milliseconds or the monitor generates a fault. A External Watchdog fault during the programmed Minimum
Flash time or during a monitor Power Failure shall not cause a fault.
Fault Action:
The monitor transfers the Output relay contacts to the fault condition (continuity between the Normally Open
and Common contacts), flashes the
indicator on the front panel, and sets the Spare Bit #4 (bit 70) of the Type 129
Frame to 1. The Signal Sequence log will record this fault. The Prior Faults log will record this fault if Log Local Flash
Events is enabled.
Resetting the Fault:
The monitor remains in this fault condition until the unit is reset by the activation of the front panel
reset pushbutton or the activation of the reset input. Power loss or power interruption will not reset this fault. The Reset log
will record the resetting of this fault.