Instruction manual Wav WaveGuide Server
WebserverRoot = WGS/webapps/radac/
# the time between 2 watchdog checks in seconds
WatchDogLoopTime = 300
# the time between 2 debug prints in seconds
DebugLoopTime = 0
# storage in blocks
MaximumStorageTime = 144
TimeFrameDuration = 1
DisplayID0 = 0
DisplayRadar0 = radcan
DisplayData0 = heave,H10,Hm0,Ngd_zP,Tm02,HTE3,Fp,Hmax,HCM,AV10_H
DisplayDriverProperties0 = COM5,115200,8,1,NONE,NONE
DistributorID0 = 0
DistributorAddress0 = COM2,115200,8,1
DistributorRadar0 = radcan
DistributorProtocol0 = radac
DistributorData0 = Hm0,Tm02,HTE3,Fp,Hmax,HCM,H10
Version 4.1
26 of 30
Oct 2013