Instruction manual Wav WaveGuide Server
Appendix 2:
Properties file “”
The file is used in the startup procedure to configure the system. Below a file is
printed. To modify the configuration this file should be edited.
There are two ways to edit the file :
1. Copy the file to your own computer. Edit it and copy it back to the WaveGuide Server. Copy can be done
via ftp or via a ssh connection. To edit the file use a editor and not a word processor as the latter adds all
kind of extra characters to the text.
2. Edit the file on the system itself. Make a ssh connection and use the editor program “
” to edit the file
at the WaveGuide Server. A ssh connection can be established from a Linux console. From a windows
computer this can be done with the freeware program “
. Beside a ssh connection also a telnet
session will work.
Use the ip address given in the display of the WaveGuide Server (with push button 2 you go to the group network
info and then with button1 you scroll between ip address and hostname).
When you start a ssh connection it takes a few seconds to obtain the request for login name and password (default
these are both
First have a look in the /config directory.
ls /config
this gives a listing of the files in this directory. Two files are always there and
Sometimes also a file is present. This error file is created when the system could not start
with file because it is corrupt. In that case the system copies the corrupt file to and copies also a wgs.default file to This is done to start the system anyway.
to start the program “
type :
nano /config/
To go through the text use the arrow keys. The use of the editor is explained in the lower part of the screen. To
save the edited version use as indicated
Ctr O
to confirm. To exit
Ctr X
. To restart the
system the best is to switch the WaveGuide Server off and on again.
If something goes wrong and the system does not start as expected it might be the best to replace the by its back up version. You can do this in a ssh session by typing:
cp /config/ /config/
To remove the file type :
rm /config/
Version 4.1
24 of 30
Oct 2013
Editing the file is risky. The system can stop working.
Editing should be done by a skilled person. In case the file is damaged one back
up file is present at the system to bring the system back to its defaults.