Instruction manual Wav WaveGuide Server
Data distribution:
The WGS can transmit measured heave and calculated data ( processing option only) via its serial ports (COM2 &
3) and via its network link to several network addresses.
In appendix 1 all possible information is described. To keep the user interface clear only a selection of the
parameters is given. This selection is defined in the configuration file. Only an expert user should modify the
configuration file. This is described in appendix 2.
The existing subscriptions can be removed and modified, new ones can be added. Several simultaneous
subscriptions are possible.
The format for the serial ports is “port, baudrate, number of data bits, number of stop bits, parity and handshake”.
e.g. COM2,9600,7,1,EVEN,NONE.If this string is shortened the default values will be used.
e.g. COM2,9600 will be interpreted as COM2,9600,8,1,NONE,NONE
If a non valid string is filled, the help info will appear.
The format for the network message is http://ip address:port e.g.:
The subscriptions may not be changed by an unauthorized user. Therefore, an authorization dialogue will appear
when the user tries to change the subscriptions. The authorization will become invalid after 5 minutes of
inactivity. However, the web browser may store the login name and password. In that case, the authorization data
will be submitted automatically by the browser without a popup dialog.
ASCII messages.
All serial and UDP messages are in ASCII format. Currently there are four different ASII messages formats:
Radac format
Each message contains the information from one parameter. Most parameters have a single value (e.g. Hmo).
Multi value parameters also excist (e.g. Czz10 which has 51 spectral values). The last character in a message is a
LineFeed ('0x0a or '\n')
Version 4.1
15 of 30
Oct 2013
Fig. 17: List of defined subscriptions and the preparation of a new one.