Instruction manual Wav WaveGuide Server
The WaveGuide Server recognizes if a stilling well radar is connected. In that case the configuration window
gives beside the sample rate and the mounting height also the opportunity to select the pipe diameter (15,20,25
and 30 cm)
The chances only take effect after the system is rebooted.
Set system date/ time.
It is important to time stamp the measurement correct. Some applications have their own facility to keep track of
time and they do not use the time of the WaveGuide Server. In other circumstances the system time of the
WaveGuide Server becomes important. The WaveGuide server has a battery back up clock. So the system date and
time should be more or less correct. A WaveGuide System should be able to run for years and a computer clock is
far from accurate. Therefore facilities are available to keep track of the correct time.
First the WaveGuide Server tries to synchronize its time to a time server, which is often available
in a network. This is done via a network protocol (ntp). At commissioning it is recommended to
set date and time as close to the network time as possible. Because it will take a very long time to
synchronize if the time gap is too big.
Second the system can optional be equipped with a GPS receiver. In that case the system
synchronizes to the GPS time.
If it becomes necessary to change the system time, this can be done on the Set date/time page. After changing the
system time, the WaveGuide server must be rebooted. Note that it is not possible to set the seconds. Any number
entered for the seconds will be ignored when setting the system time.
The date/time configuration is protected by an authorization dialog, which was described above in the section
Version 4.1
14 of 30
Oct 2013
Fig. 16: Setting the system time.