Instruction manual Wav WaveGuide Server
Appendix 3:
Service via com1
The operating system of the WaveGuide Server is Linux. The settings of com1 are 115200,8,N,1. Default the
system messages are sent to this port. A terminal program like Hyperterminal or Kermit for Windows or Minicom
for Linux shows these messages. As both the WaveGuide Server and your laptop are computers a nulmodem
cable is needed to communicate.
During start up the Linux boot messages are sent to the konsole at com1. If Linux has started properly the
WaveGuide program starts and sends its output to com1. If the WaveGuide program does not start, the Linux
console login prompt will appear.
Once the WaveGuide program has started you can return to the Linux konsole by stopping the WaveGuide debug
proces that sends its info to the comport. This is done by sending a <break> followed by an < i>. In Linux this
done by <Ctrl-a f>. In Windows this is program dependend. To send a break in Teraterm or Procom use <alt -b> in
Hyperterminal <Control -break>. The <i> must follow the break quit fast. You will see a prompt and a short time
later login name and password are requested.
When you have the login prompt in the Konsole login as root with password “radac”. As soon as there is
connection the file can be edited (see apppendix 2). Also other system maintenance can be
performed. This goes beyond the scope of this manual.
Version 4.1
27 of 30
Oct 2013
This facility should be used only by the expert user as errors can cause serious