Instruction manual Wav WaveGuide Server
Sensor raw data
In commissioning and service the reflection diagram of a single measurement
can be requested.
Configure Sensor
Change the radar mounting height, the measuring window and sampling rate.
Here the distribution of data is defined.
Configure Network
Change the default network settings. These are used only if no DHCP server
can be found on the network.
Set Date/Time
Change the WaveGuide Server date.
System Info
System statistics.
To modify the configuration you need to be an authorized user. Therefore, an authorization dialogue will appear
when the user tries to change a configuration item. The authorization will become invalid after 5 minutes of
inactivity. However, the webbrowser may store the login name and password. In that case, the authorization data
will be submitted automatically by the browser without a popup dialog.
Default the login name and password are both “radac”. In appendix 2 it is described how to change this.
After successful authorization, the changed settings will be stored and a reboot dialog will appear. The settings
will not be effective until the WaveGuide Server is rebooted.
Version 4.1
11 of 30
Oct 2013
Fig. 11: Authorization popup and reboot screen