Instruction manual Wav WaveGuide Server
Using the system
The basic version of the WaveGuide System takes care of the measuring process and offers the facilities to
commission the system as described in the commissioning section. Once commissioned the facilities of raw data
presentation, reflection diagram, system info etc. can be used to monitor the proper operation of the system.
Processing to parameters plus their presentation and logging is an option. The use of this option is described
There are two analysis routines. First the time and frequency domain analysis for waves “Standard Wave
Processing Package (SWAP)” , the standard wave processing of the Dutch government and meets the standard of
the oil companies (E&P forum). Secondly the tide processing with several averaging periods (10s, 1, 5 and 10
A detailed description of the SWAP package is available. The spectra and parameters that are available are
described in appendix1. It is inconvenient to have all parameters presented in the user interface. Therefore a
selection is made in the configuration file (see appendix2). Below an example is given of some lines in the
configuration file:
DataProcessor0 = nl.radac.wgs.dataprocessor.swap.SWAPDataProcessor
DataProcessorInterval0 = 1
DataProcessorGetData0 = H1/3,Hm0,Hmax,T1/3,Ngd_zP,Czz10,GGH,Tm02
DataProcessorStoreData0 = H1/3,Hm0,Hmax,T1/3,Ngd_zP, GGH,Tm02
DataProcessor1= nl.radac.wgs.dataprocessor.TideProcessor
DataProcessorInterval1 = 10,60,60,60
DataProcessorGetData1 = H,H1,H5,H10
DataProcessorStoreData1 = H,H1,H5,H10
This indicates that from the SWAP processing is performed with an interval of 1 minute. Default the processing
period is 20 minutes. So each minute the past 20 minutes is analysed. The parameters that are used from the
SWAP process for presentation and datadistribution are H1/3, Hm0, Hmax, T1/3, Ngd_zP, Czz10, GGH, Tm02.
From these parameters H1/3, Hm0, Hmax, T1/3, Ngd_zP, GGH and Tm02 are being stored in the data logger. The
data are being timestamped by the middle time of the analysis period (e.g. Hm0 timestamped at 10h12 is from the
period 10h02 till 10h22).
And for the Tide processing this indicates that H (the 10s mean) is calculated each 10 seconds and H1, H5 and
H10 are calculated each 60 seconds. All these parameters are available for presentation and data distribution.
These data are being timestamped by the middle of the analysis period.
The modification of the configuration file can result in a total system crash an should therefore only be done by
skilled personnel. It is described in appendix 2.
(processing option only)
In this page (fig. 18) a graph of a selected parameter is given over a selected period (1, 6 or 24 hours). The
parameters to select from are from the tide processing and from the wave processing.
The tide parameters
The 10 seconds mean.
The 1 minute mean.
The 5 minute mean
The 10 minute mean:
The wave parameters.
These parameters are from the Standard Wave Analysis Package. In total there are five quality parameters
from the preprocessing, 15 parameters from the time domain processing and 19 parameters from the
Version 4.1
18 of 30
Oct 2013