Opening and Closing Forum 523/524
Static charges can damage the electronic components of the
Forum 523/524.
There are no directly accessible circuits operating under dangerous voltage on
Forum 523/524’s connection panel. You must still switch off all power to the
device when performing any kind of installation. Pull the plug out of the
mains power supply socket.
It is recommend to connect the pressure terminals provided here as sockets to
externally mounted sockets – e.g. UAE sockets for U
ports, IAE sockets for
ports and standard telephone sockets for a/b ports. You can plug these
connecting sockets into terminals and do not have to switch off the device to
do this.
To check the internal Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) or connect telephone
sockets, terminals or network connections, open the Forum 523/524 as far as
the plate:
Pull the plug out of the power socket in the wall.
Push up the cover
Push the cover open using light pressure until the connector panel can be
seen. A stopper prevents the cover from being opened further.