Forum Phone 515/525/535 System Telephones
Key Assignments
It changes the volume of the ringer tone and the melody in the
4 Phone
It moves the cursor when entering call numbers or text.
If you have already used the plus/minus key to open a menu to
set the display contrast or the volume, your current setting will
automatically be applied after three seconds, without your using
the OK key
to confirm.
(Escape key) navigates the menu.
Short key press: Exits an open input window without changing its contents
and/or returns you to the menu branches.
Long key press: Exits the menu.
Arrow Key
This key is used to scroll through the MenuCards and lists.
OK Key
This key is used to confirm the selected menu items, functions or
The Locking of Your Telephone Interface by the
System Administrator
The system administrator can lock your telephone’s interface via a setting for
your user group. All keys of your telephone no longer function aside from a
few exceptions (e. g. the number keys and the call key 1).
You can then make calls with your telephone but no system functionality
can be configured.
If the system administrator has authorised you to do so, you can also set
the time group of the communications system (see also
“Central Settings”
starting on page 129). If your user group authorisation
changes according to the time group, then it is possible that the interface
lock of your telephone will be cancelled.