Key Extensions
Forum Phone 515/525/535 System Telephones
For the System Administrator:
In the “Mounting and Commissioning” (Forum 523/524, Forum 525/526,
Forum 550/560, Forum 5004/5008/5012) resp. “Commissioning and
Maintenance” (Forum 5500) guide you will find the corresponding assembly
instructions in the chapter “Connecting the Key Extension”.
Operating the Key Extension Keys
The keys of the key extension are used in the same way as programmed keys,
as described in this user guide (see the following sections:
Programming Call
Numbers (Destinations)
starting on page 133,
Programming Functions
starting on page 134,
Programming the Call Keys
starting on
page 100).
Choosing a Key Level
Keys can be programmed on three levels with a key extension Forum 500
Keypad Display FP 535. There are a total of 60 storage locations available on
20 keys.
To toggle between the levels, use the level keys
on the lower left.
The illuminated LEDs next to the key indicates that the level is activated. In
the display of the key extension, you will also see the text with which this
storage location is labelled.
A key extension Forum 500 Keypad Display FP 525/535 offers only one
Labelling a Key on the Key Extension
Paper strips are used for labelling the key on the Forum 500 Keypad Display
FP 525/535 key extension. The keys are either labelled with the default text
on the Forum 500 Keypad Display FP 535 (e. g. when programming a
feature key) or by entering an individual text when programming the key (see
also the chapter
Labelling the Keys
starting on page 21).