HART Input/Output
Multidrop Field Devices
User Manual
ProSoft Technology, Inc.
Page 32 of 127
When using the
Action; to create a new Advanced Diagnostic item,
select the Build button. The HART Advanced Diagnostic Builder will open.
Figure 3.18 – Advanced Diagnostic Builder
The builder is used to generate the command, and to define the Data Type. The
following parameters need to be configured:
Table 3.4 – Advanced Diagnostics Build parameters
A user description for the advanced diagnostic parameter.
Diagnostic Type
HART Pass Through
HART Command
The HART command code (decimal).
Command Length
This is the length of the data that must be sent with the command.
Result Offset
The byte offset in the response where the required parameter starts.
Data Type
The Logix tag data type required to accept the parameter.
Response Length
This is the size of the data that must be copied to the Logix Tag.
This is only relevant for SINT Array Data Types.
Command Data
Additional request parameters required by the HART command.
Once accepted, the full command string will be built, and the current map item will be
updated accordingly.
A Logix tag can now be associated with the Advanced Diagnostic parameter. This
can be done by either entering the tag name or by using the Tag Browser to browse
for a tag.
It is important to ensure that the selected Logix tag type matches that of the expected HART
command parameter. Failing to do so can cause unexpected results.