HART Input/Output
Multidrop Field Devices
User Manual
ProSoft Technology, Inc.
Page 100 of 127
DNP3 Request Too Many Objects The Hart 4 module supports a maximum of 10 DNP3 objects in
a single DNP3 request. This statistic indicates that more than
10 DNP3 objects were found in a single request.
DNP3 Message Queue Full
The Hart 4 module has received too many simultaneous
messages to process.
Node Mismatch
The received message node number did not match the Hart 4
module configured node address.
Select Size Too Large
When the Select/Operate functionality is used the Hart 4
module supports a maximum of 255 bytes per transaction (or
one full DNP3 message).
Select Operate Data Mismatch
The Select/Operate functionality requires that the response to
the Select function matches the Select request.