HART Input/Output
Multidrop Field Devices
User Manual
ProSoft Technology, Inc.
Page 30 of 127
Comm Fail Freeze
This configuration is used to determine the behaviour of the output analog
signal when communication from the source (EtherNet/IP, DNP3 or
Modbus TCP/IP) is lost.
Enabling this option freezes the output value to its last state, when
communication is lost.
Disabling this option forces the output value to the adjacent Fail Value
when communication is lost.
Fail Value (Comm. Fail)
The value, in engineering units, to be applied to the output when
communication from the source has been lost and the above Freeze
option is disabled.
Time Out
The time, in milliseconds, since the last packet has been received from the
source, before the communication is deemed to have been lost.
3.5 Advanced Mapping
The module supports multidrop functionality on each channel (having multiple HART
devices per channel), asynchronous reading of advanced diagnostic parameters
(which are then written directly to Logix tags), and Custom HART messaging when
using either EtherNet/IP or Modbus TCP/IP.
Advanced Mapping is
supported for the DNP3 interface protocol.
Diagnostics is supported
for the EtherNet/IP interface protocol.
Custom HART messaging is
supported for the DNP3 or PCCC interface protocol.
The Advanced Mapping configuration is shown in the figure below. The Advanced
Mapping configuration window is opened by either double-clicking on the module in
the tree, or right-clicking the module and selecting Ch 0 -
Figure 3.17 – Advanced Mapping Configuration