HART Input/Output
Multidrop Field Devices
User Manual
ProSoft Technology, Inc.
Page 109 of 127
The Device Configuration tab provides the facility to display and modify common
HART parameters in the field device.
Figure 5.15 - Channel Status – Device Configuration
Table 5.12 - Channel Status Parameters – Device Configuration
The user tag name configured in the field device. (8 characters).
Note: The Tag, Descriptor and Date are updated together.
The user descriptor configured in the field device. (16 characters).
Note: The Tag, Descriptor and Date are updated together.
The date when the tag and descriptor configuration was last modified.
Note: The Tag, Descriptor and Date are updated together.
The Lower Range Value in engineering units represented by the 4 mA
analog signal.
Note: The LRV, URV and Range Units are updated together.
The Upper Range Value in engineering units represented by the 20 mA
analog signal.
Note: The LRV, URV and Range Units are updated together.
Range Units
The engineering units in which the LRV and URV values are specified.
Note: The LRV, URV and Range Units are updated together.
The damping value specified in seconds. Damping refers to the digital
filtering of process variables to remove transient and potentially erroneous
deviations from the actual measure variable.
A user defined 32-character message stored in the field device.
Master Reset
Resets the field device
Enable Burst Mode
This instructs the field device to enter burst mode. Note that only Burst of
HART command 3 is supported
Disable Burst Mode
This instructs the field device to exit burst mode.
A parameter can be modified by entering the new value into the appropriate text box
and clicking the adjacent Update button. When the parameter is pending, that is,
edited but not yet committed, then the text box will be shaded yellow. Once the value
has been written (updated) the value will be written to the field device and then re-
read from the field device, after which the parameter background will return to