HART Input/Output
Multidrop Field Devices
User Manual
ProSoft Technology, Inc.
Page 108 of 127
Figure 5.14 - Channel Status – Device Status
Table 5.11 - Channel Status Parameters – Device Status
Loop Open / Current Fault Flagged if the current loop is either below 3.6mA or above 21.0 mA.
Current Under-range
Flagged if the current is below 3.8mA.
Current Over-range
Flagged if the current is above 20.5 mA.
Loop Shorted
Flagged if a loop short is detected.
Calibration Busy
Flagged when the module is busy being calibrated.
Calibration Failed
Flagged if the calibration data is invalid or corrupt.
HART Comms Fault
Flagged if HART communication is enabled but not active.
Relay Message Inhibit
Flagged when Class 2 HART relay messages have been disabled in
the configuration.
Burst Mode Active
Flagged if the field device is operating in burst mode.
Parity Error
Flagged if the field device received a message with a parity error
Overrun Error
Flagged if the field device receive buffer is overrun.
Framing Error
Flagged if the field device receives a message with an invalid stop
Checksum Error
Flagged if the field device receives a message with an invalid
Rx Buffer Overflow
Flagged if the field device receives a message too long for the receive
Device Malfunction
Flagged if the field device has detected an error or suffered some
hardware failure.
Config Changed
Flagged if an operation resulted in the configuration changing.
Cold Start
Flagged if the field device has experienced a power failure or reset.
Output Current Fixed
Flagged if the loop current is set at a fixed value and is not responding
to process variations
Analog Output Saturated
Flagged if the Loop Current has reached its upper or lower limit
Variable Out of Limits
Flagged if a variable other than the PV is beyond its operating limits.
PV Out of Limits
Flagged if the PV is beyond its operating limits.
Command Error
An enumerated error in response to the last command issued.