502 069 02
Power Monitor, PD 3260
Calculator program.
The PD 3260 is able to perform arithmetical and boolean functions by means of a calculator
program. All variables within the module can be used within the expressions.
The calculator has a real type accumulator, a boolean type accumulator, two channel pointers, two
index registers and a bit index register. The instruction set includes Move, Compare, Jump, logical
operations and arithmetical operations. Some of the instructions can operate either on variables
via SWNo (channel no. and register no.) or on immediate values.
It is not possible to write directly into EEPROM by means of the Calculator program. However,
it is possible to save all variables with memory type RAM AutoSave to EEPROM, directly from
the Calculator program. The variables in the DataChannel may be used for common configuration
parameters and temporary values.
The calculator program is stored (download and upload) and controlled (start, stop etc.) using the
Program Channel (channel $D). The program may be downloaded from a PC, eg. via the
Calculator Assembler program, or from a master controller unit within the P-NET system, eg. PD
5000 with a Process-Pascal program installed.
The execution time for each instruction is approximately 0.4 ms. By disabling the automatic
functions in the channels which are not in use, the operating speed of the calculator program may
be slightly increased.
Some typical instructions, with execution times, are shown below. The conditions for the time
measurements are: All the channels in the module are enabled, the digital outputs 1-6 are
configured to be controlled by the Thyristor Switch Channel. The minimum time includes
occasional P-NET communication, whereas the maximum time includes significant P-NET
Min time
Max time
Move CR2:0, Acc
0.30 ms
0.32 ms
Move Acc, CR2:7[IR2]
0.41 ms
0.43 ms
Move #0E, CR2
0.18 ms
0.20 ms
Div 123.4
0.46 ms
0.48 ms
Mul 123.4
0.43 ms
0.45 ms
Sub 123.4
0.37 ms
0.40 ms
Add 123.4
0.36 ms
0.38 ms
LookUp CR2:#C (each index pair)
2.38 ms
2.51 ms
Refer to the PD Calculator Assembler Manual, PD no. 502 061, for a list of the available instruc-
tions and information on how to program the calculator.