502 069 02
Power Monitor, PD 3260
PowerFactor is a record having the following structure:
Tot: Real;
(* Total power factor *)
(* Offset = 0 *)
U: Real;
(* Power factor line L1 *)
(* Offset = 4 *)
V: Real;
(* Power factor line L2 *)
(* Offset = 8 *)
W: Real;
(* Power factor line L3 *)
(* Offset = 12 *)
SWNo $A7: HighLevel.
HighLevel is a limit switch for the Power variable having the following function:
IF Power > HighLevel AND ChConfig.Enablebit[4] = True
THEN HighAlarm := True ELSE HighAlarm := False;
SWNo $A8: Lowlevel.
LowLevel is a limit switch for the Power variable having the following function:
IF Power < LowLevel AND ChConfig.Enablebit[3] = True
THEN LowAlarm := True ELSE LowAlarm := False;
SWNo $A9: ChConfig.
The channel configuration for the Power Monitor channel is stored in a record having the
following structure:
Enablebit: Array[0..7] of Boolean;
(* Offset = 0 *)
Functions: BYTE;
(* Offset = 1 *)
Ref_A: BYTE;
(* Offset = 2 *)
Ref_B: BYTE;
(* Offset = 3 *)
The fields in ChConfig have the following interpretation:
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Not used
CurrentHigh Alarm
VoltageHigh Alarm
High Level Alarm
Low Level Alarm
Symmetry Alarm
External Alarm
Input Simulation