502 069 02
Power Monitor, PD 3260
SWNo xF: ChError
ChError: Record
His:Array[0..7] of Boolean;
(* Offset = 0 *)
Act:Array[0..7] of Boolean;
(* Offset = 2 *)
The 8 bits in ChError.His and ChError.Act have the following meaning. When an error occurs,
the corresponding bit is set in both ChError.His and ChError.Act. When the error disappears, the
bit is cleared in ChError.Act.
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Module Error
Bit 7
Module error. If this bit is set, the rest of the bits have no meaning, because a
module error can cause random error codes on the individual channels (see also
"Service channel").
Bit 6
OverLoad is set if the current in the output load exceeds MaxCurrent (default 1 A).
The Overload alarm can be disabled by setting ChConfig.Enablebit[6] TRUE.
ChError.Act[OverLoad] remains set until a Write operation is performed on the
FlagReg variable.
Bit 5
UnderLoad is set if the load is disconnected (OutCurrent < MinCurrent). The
Underload alarm can be enabled by setting ChConfig.Enablebit[5] TRUE.
Bit 4
ExternalShortcirError is set if an external short circuit error is detected (InFlag=1
and OutFlag=0). The error bit cannot be set on channels configured as input. This
error bit will not appear in input simulation mode.
Bit 3
InternalShortCirError is set if the output transistor is short circuited (OutFlag=0
and OutCurrent > 0.1 Amp ). This error bit will not appear in input simulation