502 069 02
Power Monitor, PD 3260
Read Write, Protected BackUp Write
The variable is stored in both RAM and EEPROM. After a reset, the variable is
copied from EEPROM into RAM. When the variable is changed via P-NET, the
value is changed in RAM. If WriteEnable is TRUE, the value is changed in both
RAM and EEPROM when the variable is modified via P-NET.
RAM AutoSave
Has the same function as RAM InitEEPROM, with the addition that the contents
of RAM are automatically copied to EEPROM, at a frequency of approximately 10
After copying to EEPROM, a new sumcheck value is calculated. The new
sumcheck value is stored in the EEPROM, unless an EEPROM error has already
been set (CommonError.ChError.Act[2]).