502 069 02
Power Monitor, PD 3260
If input simulation is enabled, automatic updating of measured and calculated variables is
disabled. Any value can be written to the variables, for test purposes during commisioning.
Functions = $00 => Channel disabled.
Functions = $10 => Ramp controlled thyristor switch (zero voltage crossing).
If the channel is not used, the channel should be disabled by writing "00" in ChConfig.Functions.
Otherwise errors may occur.
Functions = $10: Ramp controlled thyristor switch (zero voltage crossing).
Ramp controlled switching with thyristor coupling angle related to zero voltage crossing.
The digital outputs I/O 1 to I/O 6 can be configured to be the controlling outputs for the Thyristor
Switch Channel, by setting their individual ChConfig.Functions to $40. The Thyristor Switch
Channel uses the digital outputs in pairs: I/O 1 & I/O 2, I/O 3 & I/O 4 and I/O 5 & I/O 6. Both of
the I/O´s in a pair must be configured correctly, otherwise none of them will be used. The digital
I/O 7 and I/O 8 cannot be used by the Thyristor Switch Channel.
The output from a digital output, controlled by the Thyristor Switch Channel, is a modulated
10kHz signal. The reading of flags in the I/O channels, at this frequency, has no meaning.
SWNo $CB: TrigMax.
The maximum thyristor trigger angle (0 - 180 degrees) for the thyristor ramp function, must be
inserted in the TrigMax variable.
SWNo $CC: TrigMin.
The minimum thyristor trigger angle (0 - 180 degrees) for the thyristor ramp function, must be
inserted in the TrigMin variable.
SWNo $CD: Maintenance.
The Maintenance variable is a record of the following structure:
Date: Byte;
(* Offset = 0 *)
Month: Byte;
(* Offset = 1 *)
Year: Byte;
(* Offset = 2 *)
Category: Byte;
(* Offset = 3 *)
The Maintenance variable is used for service management and maintenance purposes, and holds
the last date of service, and indicates the type of service.