502 069 02
Power Monitor, PD 3260
Connections to Generator Switch Channel.
Asynchronous generator connection:
The diagram shows a system where the Power Monitor Channel and the Generator Switch
Channel are used for controlling a digital output channel to drive a relay. For systems with
thyristor output, see chapter 7.1: Connections to Thyristor Switch Channel.
When using an asynchronous generator, the generator speed is measured with a tachometer
connected to the digital I/O 8 terminal. Any of the remaining 7 I/O’s may be configured as the
controlling output from the Generator Switch Channel. Using I/O 7 as the output is the best
choice, since I/O 1 to I/O 6 can also be used by the Thyristor Switch Channel to perform thyristor
Only the voltage transformer between L1 and L2 and the tachometer input are necessary inputs
for the asynchronous generator switch function. Additional current and voltage transformers may
optionally be connected, if Power Monitor Channel functions are required. It is recommended that
unused voltage inputs are connected to the 24V- terminal, otherwise noise at the inputs may
generate errors.