MG14 operating manual Rev 1.4
Device described within this manual was manufactured with hold of appropriate carefully from value materials.
Warranty includes delivered and installed device within 1-
year period, since moment of end acceptance it’s functioning after install.
Device cannot be used by customer till the time of last of last acceptance after install. Every discrepancy in functioning everyone has to
be noticed, and warranty period for this part will be counted since the moment of acceptance it’s fully correct work. Warranty conditions
are following the law regulations in country, the device is delivered to.
The company
PREVAC Sp. z o.o.
obligate to repair or replacement of whole device in cause of appearing it’s damage during warranty
period (described above).Warranty does not include:
Elements and parts that wear during normal use.
Elements, that were not delivered by
Elements damaged due to cooperation with incorrect working devices, those not delivered by
Damages caused by wrong use of device through user, during operating the device.
Damages caused by use of the device, not correct (discordant) to it’s proper use.
Damages caused by powering the device with wrong (not allowed) voltage, that does not correspond with technical
specifications of device.
Damages caused by influence of external factors (mechanical, chemical, electrical) other than those occur during installing
the device, especially by these factors , the device was exposed to, because of user fault.
Damages caused by fire or other natural disasters.
At customer request, Company
can replace or repair not working parts on the spot by customer, without charging expenses
to customer. With agreement of company
, customer can hire specialist, that can repair particular damage. For replaced or
repaired part
gives warranty for the period from 1 year since repair that part on the spot by customer.
obliges itself to material responsibility for defects or incorrect functioning of device, up to value, that not exceeds
price (including transport) of faulty part.
Covering consigned technical information.
All technical data, like drawings, descriptions, schemes, diagrams etc. and all other data are serving only approximation functioning of
machinery to the customer. They are delivered even, if they are not specified in contract. Company
reserves itself right to
introduce technical changes in the device, that are not included in instruction, but are necessary to correct work of device.
Duty of customer is :
To hold in closed files all technical data and other detailed descriptions delivered by PREVAC, that are property of PREVAC
To make confidential information available, that originate from PREVAC company, only to employees, which are operating
owned equipment.
Customer can not make out any technical documentations by the use of information delivered by the PREVAC company, without their
knowledge and agreement.
Receiving orders
The company PREVAC receives orders and/or delivery according to import and/or export law regulations.
Damage or loss during transport
Loss or damage goods during transport will be related through customer. Customer during is obliged to check all goods delivered by the
company PREVAC during acceptance of goods.
Description of delivery
Time of delivery can be reasonably expanded, if there occur any objectively obstacle, that arise in spite of plans PREVAC company,
that company can not avoid. Such a reasons are epidemics, natural disasters, mobilization, war, riots, conflicts in work, serious
damages, accidents, official obstacles, shortages of materials, transport difficulties.