MG14 operating manual Rev 1.4
34 Degas time selection menu
Degas Time
It is possible do set degas time for each channel separately too, as follows:
Fig. 4-15 Degas time menu
Max. degas time is 15 minutes for each channel. Using the narrow buttons
▲or▼ and
MENU/ENTER button you can change the values. Emission Control menu
One of the advantage of MG14 is automatic emission control, it means that emission of B-A gauge
on channel 1 or emission of ITR091/ITR100 on channel 2 can be activated automatically according
to the interlocks. Automatic emission can be allocated to the on of four triggers, as shown on the
Fig. 4-16 Emission control menu
Explanation of Fig.4-16 is as follows: emission of B-A gauge is related to the Trigger 3
– automatic
on when Trigger 3 value is reached ( see chapter ), and emission of channel 2 must be
activate manually.
Be aware of automatic emission control. It can be the reason of filament burning out, if
emission is started at high pressure with the high emission current.