MG14 operating manual Rev 1.4
39 RS232/485/USB parameters
All three communication standards requires the same software parameters. Those modules can
communicate with the speeds: 2400 bps, 4800 bps, 9600 bps, 19200 bps, 38400 bps, 57600 bps,
115200 bps.
8 bits of data, 1 bit stop and no parity parameters are fixed and can not be changed
For hardware connection of RS232/485 either USB Anybus module please refer to datasheet of it.
It can be downloaded from the website:
http://www.anybus.com/products/embeddedindex.shtml Customer menu -
This menu allows to ent
er “customer name” ( up to 12 characters ). This “name” is displayed later on
in the network either website of the unit. It allows for the unique unit identification if more than one of
units are connected to the network. Service menu
This menu is intended for manufacturer services only and can be activated only with the correct
password. Information menu
In this menu information about manufacturing date and software version is displayed.
5.Maintenance and Service
5.1 Maintenance
The MG14 does not require any special maintenance work.
5.1.1 Cleaning
For cleaning the outside of the device, a slightly moistened cloth will usually do. Do not use any
aggressive or abrasive cleaning agents.