to collect fire and fault signals from several control panels without reciprocity or with full reciprocity.
The network logical configuration diagram is shown in Fig. 9.1.
In special cases, the collective control panel may serve as a local control panel if no remote panel has
been declared to co-operate with it.
Fig. 9.1 General diagram of control panels logical network configuration.
The optional MSI-48 and MSI-48 Ed.3 network module makes it possible to connect control panels
within a network by means of RS-422 serial interfaces (bitrate 19,200 bps). Every module operates as
an amplifier enabling the ring's total length to be extended. In case the module is faulty or cut off
from power supply, it is disconnected from the ring (by means of hardware) and other control panels
(participants to the network) may operate without interruptions.
The module is supplied with separated 5 V or 24 V (Ed.3) voltage generated on the MIK-48 interfaces
module. If the module is purchased individually, it must be installed on the left side of the control
panel, above the MIK-48 module. Next, the MIK-48 module output terminals marked as + 5 V – (Z2
connection) or + 24 V – (Ed.3) (Z3 connection) must be connected with + 5 V – or + 24 V – (Ed.3) (ZL5
connection) input terminals of the MSI-48 module. Then, the middle pin of the 26-core strip cable
connecting the PSC-49 with the MIK-48 must be inserted in the ZL6 socket marked as "TO PSC-49”.