After the standard configuration loading and automatic configuration performance, UCS elements
are assigned to a special logical number 0, which causes that such an element is inactive.
A TSR-4000 terminal is a remote device to signal the POLON 4000 system control panel modes. Up to
16 terminals may be connected to one control panel and an RS-485 serial interface is responsible for
The declaration of terminals consists in selecting the SYSTEM CONFIGURATION -> HARDWARE
DECLARATION -> TSR-4000 TERMINAL DECLARATION option for the declared terminal numbers of
one of the two following options: WITH ACCESS and WITHOUT ACCESS. WITH ACCESS shows the
permission for remote operation of the control panel and the fact that a terminal may remotely
acknowledge an alarm or fault and remotely reset the control panel alarm.
8.1.1 Alarm types
After a line element in an addressable detection line is actuated, the POLON 4900 control panel, on
the basis of the decision algorithms, generates the PRELIMINARY ALARM, 1
stage alarm or 2
alarm depending on the alarming variants programmed for given zones (rooms).
A preliminary alarm is signalled by means of the internal acoustic signalling system and a red diode in
the ALARM field.
The LCD display shows a window marked as !!! PRELIMINARY ALARM !!! and the information
regarding the number of alarming zones and the number of zones not shown on the display (due to
limited space) is displayed in a separated field below. The main alarm window displays messages
assigned to the alarming zones. If the number of alarming zones is too big to display them
simultaneously, i.e. more than 8 zones, the alarms which are not displayed may be viewed by means
of the ALARM push button.
A preliminary alarm is an internal alarm and may be acknowledged with the ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
push button and reset with the RESET push button.
A preliminary alarm may be transformed into a fire alarm or automatically cleared by the control
panel according to the applicable algorithms resulting from alarming variants for zones.
stage alarm
is indicated by fast flashing of a big red FIRE indicator, internal acoustic signalling and
an additional diode in the ALARM field.
The LCD display shows a window marked as !!! FIRE ALARMS !!! and information regarding the
number of alarming zones and the number of zones not shown on the display (due to a limited
space) is displayed in a separated field below. On the right hand side, the system displays
information regarding the elapsing time after which outputs to alarm transmission (monitoring)
devices will be activated. Until that time, the control panel signals the 1
The 1
stage alarm is an internal alarm and it always requires that the personnel on duty reacts in an
appropriate manner, the alarm is acknowledged with the ACKNOWLEDGEMENT push button (during
the T1 time) and the hazards within the facility are recognised (during the T2 time). If the personnel
does not react properly to a 1
stage alarm, a 2
stage alarm is generated.
The main alarm window displays messages assigned to the alarming zones. If the number of alarming
zones is too big to display them simultaneously, i.e. more than 8 zones, the alarms which are not
displayed may be viewed by means of the ALARM push button. All alarming zones will be viewed