Pressing this button makes the player enter
Programming Mode
This allows programming code to be input at the address specified
by the argument. The program is input beginning from the address specified by
the argument. If the argument is omitted, the program is input beginning from
address 0. If this button is pressed in
Programming Mode
, the program is not
rewritten but the current program address is increased by one.
Sending an
END command instructs the player to exit
Programming Mode
. (See the
Level II User’s Manual
19) END
Pressing this as the END button causes the player to exit
. Using it as the FRAME/CHAP button changes the player’s address flags.
Pressing this button while the player is in
Programming Mode
takes the player out of
Programming Mode
. (See the
LD-V8000 Level II User’s
.) If this button is pressed while the player is in
Normal Operating Mode
the address flags and the corresponding screen displays are changed. Pressing the
the FRAME/CHAP button successively will toggle through Chapter, Frame and
Time as if the CHAPTER/FRAME/TIME button on the RU-V103 were pressed.
Refer to Chapter/Frame/Time on page 3-14 and 3-15.
3.3 Barcode Control
Barcode control provides a simple method of quickly retrieving specific frames or
video/audio segments from a videodisc. By scanning a LaserBarcode with a
Pioneer Barcode Reader (UC-V104BC, UC-V108BC, UC-V109BC) and sending the
code to the player via a wired connection or via infrared signal, the indicated frame
or segment will appear on the monitor.
All current Pioneer Industrial videodisc players support the original
LaserBarcode standard commands. As of August 1, 1992 the LaserBarcode
Association officially revised the LaserBarcode standard. This new standard, the
LaserBarcode 2 Standard (LB2), has also been adopted by Pioneer. It includes all of
the barcode functions available within the original LaserBarcode standard command
set and provides “extended commands” for Time searches and time segment plays
on CLV discs, slow motion playback on CAV discs, and access to digital audio.
LD-V8000 players with serial numbers greater than #ME3912276 are LB2 compatible.
3.3.1 LaserBarcode 2 Capability of the LD-V8000
The LD-V8000 players manufactured after October 17, 1990 with serial numbers
KJ3906076 and above, have built-in LaserBarcode capabilities. The player
LD-V8000 Level I & III • Chapter Three
LD-V8000 Level I & III User’s Manual
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