SYSTem:COMMunicate:RLSTate {LOCal
Set the remote/local state of the waveform generator over the LAN interface
from a Telnet or socket session. Provides control analogous to the IEEE-488.2
commands such as GTL (Go To Local) over the GPIB and USB interfaces. The
default is Local which sets the instrument state to local and removes any
annunciator and locks the front-panel keyboard. The Remote parameter sets the
instrument state to remote, display the annunciators and locks the keyboard.
The RWLock parameter sets the instrument state to remote with lock and
display the rwl annunciator and locks the keyboard.
Query the waveform generator’s current SCPI version. A string in the form of
“YYYY.V” will be returned. “YYYY” represents the year of the version and “V”
represents the version number.
Disable or enable the front panel keyboard lock. The default is OFF(meaning the
lock is off). When the lock is on, the front panel keyboard is locked. You can
exclude “local” key when locking the front panel keyboard by using
SYST:KLOC:EXCL LOC before you lock the keyboard.
Specify if locking the front panel keyboard including the “local” key or excluding
the “local” key.
Query which key is excluded when locking the front panel keyboard.
Clears all instrument memory except for the boot parameters and calibration
constants. Reset all instrument setting to their *RST values. This command
clears all user-defined state information, user-defined arbitrary waveforms, and
user-defined I/O settings. This command is usually used to clear all memory for
security purpose, therefore it is not recommended for use in routine applications
because of the possibility of unintended loss of data.
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