7.6 Self-Test Errors
621 Self-test failed; square-wave threshold DAC
A possible malfunctioning DAC, failed DAC multiplexer (U8_2) channels,
or associated circuitry.
623 Self-test failed; dc offset DAC
624 Self-test failed; null DAC
625 Self-test failed; amplitude DAC
A possible malfunctioning DAC, failed DAC multiplexer (U8_2) channels,
or associated circuitry.
626 Self-test failed; waveform filter path select relay
627 Self-test failed; -10 dB attenuator path
628 Self-test failed; -20 dB attenuator path
629 Self-test failed; +20 dB amplifier path
These errors indicate that the specified relay is not properly switched or
the attenuator/amplifier does not provide the expected attenuation or
gain. These self-tests use the internal ADC to verify whether the output
path relays, output amplifier (+20 dB), and output attenuators
properly operate or not.
630 Self-test failed; internal ADC over-range; condition
A probable ADC failure.
631 Self-test failed; internal ADC measurement error
A probable ADC failure.
632 Self-test failed; square/pulse DAC test failure
A probable failure of the square/pulse DAC (U10_7).