enabled by OUTP:TRIG command, a TTL-compatible square waveform with the
specified edge is output from the
Ext Trig
connector on the rear panel at the
beginning of the sweep or burst. For a pulse with a rising edge, use Positive and
for a pulse with a falling edge, use Negative.
When using the Immediate (internal) trigger source (the TRIG:SOUR IMM
command), the waveform generator outputs a square waveform with a
50% duty cycle (the rising edge is the sweep trigger) from the Ext Trig
connector on the rear panel. The period is equal to the sweep time.
When using the External trigger source (the TRIG:SOUR EXT command),
the waveform generator disables the “trigger out” signal and the Ext Trig
connector is use for sending an externally-triggered sweep.
When using the Bus (software) trigger source (the TRIG:SOUR BUS
command), the waveform generator outputs a pulse (>1
s pulse width)
from the Ext Trig connector at the beginning of the sweep.
“POS” or “NEG” string indicating the edge for the “trigger out” signal will be
Disable or enable the trigger out signal. The default is OFF. When the trigger out
signal is enabled, a TTL-compatible square waveform with the specified edge is
output from the
Ext Trig
connector on the rear panel at the beginning of the
sweep or burst.
“0” or “1” indicating the trigger out signal state will be returned.
-- P to Z --
-- P --
PHASe {<angle>
Adjust the phase offset of the output waveform in degrees or radians as
specified by the previous UNIT:ANGL command (not available for pulse and
noise). The range is form -360 degrees to 360 degrees or -2
to +2
The default is 0 degrees.
The specified phase adjustment causes a “bump” or “hop” in the output