width and edge time restrictions apply.) If a command specifying the duty
cycle is received, the duty cycle is converted into equivalent pulse width in
seconds. If Pulse Width Modulation is turned on, the pulse width is held,
and the width deviation is held too, as the period is varied. Duty cycle
deviation commands are converted to width deviation values.
When the duty cycle is held constant, the period is varied. (Minimum width
and edge time restrictions apply.) If a command specifying the pulse width
is received, the pulse width is converted into equivalent duty cycle in
percent. If Pulse Width Modulation is turned on, the duty cycle is held, and
the duty cycle deviation is held too, as the period is varied. Pulse width
deviation commands are converted to duty cycle deviation values.
Query either the value of the pulse width or the duty cycle being held. The value
of duty cycle in percent or the value of pulse width in seconds is returned.
FUNCtion:PULSe:WIDTh {<seconds>|MINimum|MAXimum }
Specify the pulse width in seconds. The range is from 20 ns to 2000 seconds.
The default is 100
The pulse width represents the time from the 50% threshold of the rising
edge of the pulse to the 50% threshold of the next falling edge.
The minimum value of the pulse width is 20 ns and the maximum value is
1999.99 seconds.
The minimum pulse width is restricted by the period as below:
Wmin=20 ns when period is not greater than 10s.
Wmin=200 ns when period is greater than 10 s, but not greater than 100s.
s when period is greater than 100d, not greater than 1000s.
s when period is greater than 1000s.
The specified pulse width must be less than the difference between the
period and the minimum pulse width.
Pulse Width
Period – Wmin
The waveform generator adjusts the edge time first, and then the width if