Legal Notice
Distribution, reproduction and translation of the software and its documentation (or excerpts thereof) are
prohibited without the prior written consent of PHYSIOMED ELEKTROMEDIZIN AG.
PHYSIOMED ELEKTROMEDIZIN AG reserves the right to change the software and associated data as well
as the documentation without notice. All other rights reserved.
Hutweide 10
91220 Schnaittach
Phone: +49 9126 2587-0
Fax: +49 9126 2587-25
200 is a registered trademark of PHYSIOMED ELEKTROMEDIZIN AG. The therapy mode has
been patented worldwide.
200 is made in Germany in compliance with the quality requirements of EN ISO
13485:2003+AC:2007, EN ISO 9001:2008 and the applicable safety standards and regulations of the
Council Directive 93/42/EEC of 14 June 1993 concerning medical devices.
The compliance with the regulations mentioned here is indicated by the CE label on the instrument. The
declaration of conformity might be requested from the manufacturer at the address given above.
The compliance with the regulations mentioned here is indicated by the CE label on the instrument.
A conformity check acc. to Annex II, approved by the notified body 0197, was carried out.
Operating instructions last updated September 15, 2015.