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Avfallshantering av produkter och batterier 

Endast för Europeiska Unionen och länder med återvinningssystem 

Dessa  symboler  på  produkter,  förpackningar  och/eller 

medföljande  dokument  betyder  att  förbrukade  elektriska 

och  elektroniska  produkter  och  batterier  inte  får  blandas 

med vanliga hushållssopor. 

För  att  gamla  produkter  och  använda  batterier  ska 

hanteras  och  återvinnas  på  rätt  sätt  ska  dom  lämnas  till 

passande  uppsamlingsställe  i  enlighet  med  nationella 


Genom  att  ta  göra  det  korrekt  hjälper  du  till  att  spara 

värdefulla  resurser  och  förhindrar  eventuella  negativa 

effekter på människors hälsa och på miljön. 

För mer information om insamling och återvinning kontakta 

din kommun. 

Olämplig  avfallshantering  kan  beläggas  med  böter  i 

enlighet med nationella bestämmelser. 

Notering till batterisymbolen (nedanför):


Denna symbol kan användas i kombination med en kemisk 

symbol.  I  detta  fall  uppfyller  den  de  krav  som  ställs  i 

direktivet för den aktuella kemikalien. 

Brukerinformasjon  om  innsamling  av  gammelt  utstyr  og  brukte 


Bare for EU og land med retursystemer 

Slike  symboler  på  produkter,  emballasje,  og/eller  på 






elektriske/elektroniske  produkter  og  batterier  ikke  må 

blandes med vanlig husholdningsavfall. 

For riktig håndtering og gjenvinning av gamle produkter og 

brukte  batterier,vennligst  lever  dem  til  innsamlingssteder  i 

samsvar med nasjonallovgivning. 

Ved  riktig  håndtering  av  disse  produktene  og  batteriene, 

hjelper du til med å spare verdifulle ressurser og forhindre 

potensielle negative effekter på menneskers helse og miljø. 

For  mer  informasjon  om  innsamling  og  gjenvinning 

vennligst ta kontakt med din kommune. 

Ukorrekt  håndtering  av  dette  avfallet  kan  medføre 

straffansvar, i overensstemmelse med nasjonal lovgivning. 

Merknader for batterisymbolet (nederste symbol):


Dette symbolet kan bli brukt i kombinasjon med et kjemisk 

symbol.  I  dette  tilfellet  etterkommer  det  kravet  satt  av 

direktivet for det kjemikaliet det gjelder. 

Het ontdoen van oude apparatuur en batterijen. 

Enkel voor de Europese Unie en landen met recycle systemen. 

Deze  symbolen  op  de  producten,  verpakkingen  en/of 

begeleidende  documenten  betekenen  dat  gebruikte 

elektrische  en  elektronische  producten  en  batterijen  niet 

samen  mogen  worden  weggegooid  met  de  rest  van  het 

huishoudelijk afval. 

Voor  een  juiste  verwerking,  hergebruik  en  recycling  van 

oude producten en batterijen, gelieve deze in te leveren bij 

de  desbetreffende  inleverpunten  in  overeenstemming  met 

uw nationale wetgeving. 

Door ze op de juiste wijze weg te gooien, helpt u mee met 

het  besparen  van  kostbare  hulpbronnen  en  voorkomt  u 

potentiële negatieve effecten op de volksgezondheid en het 


Voor  meer  informatie  over  inzameling  en  recycling  kunt  u 

contact opnemen met uw plaatselijke gemeente. 

Afhankelijk  van  uw  nationale  wetgeving  kunnen  er  boetes 

worden  opgelegd  bij  het  onjuist  weggooien  van  dit  soort 


Let op: het batterij symbool (Onderstaand symbool).


Dit symbool kan in combinatie met een chemisch symbool 

gebruikt  worden.  In  dit  geval  volstaan  de  eisen,  die  zijn 

vastgesteld  in  de  richtlijnen  van  de  desbetreffende 

chemische stof. 

Απόρριψη παλαιών συσκευών και μπαταριών 

Μόνο  για  την  Ευρωπαϊκή  Ένωση  και  χώρες  με  συστήματα 


Το σύμβολο αυτό, πάνω στα προϊόντα, τη συσκευασία ή/και 







χρησιμοποιημένα  ηλεκτρικά  και  ηλεκτρονικά  προϊόντα, 

καθώς και οι μπαταρίες, δεν πρέπει να απορρίπτονται στα 

κοινά οικιακά απορρίμματα. 

Παρακαλούμε  παραδώστε  τα  παλαιά  προϊόντα  και  τις 

χρησιμοποιημένες  μπαταρίες  για  διαχείριση,  επεξεργασία 

ή/και  ανακύκλωση  σύμφωνα  με  τις  νομικές  διατάξεις  των 

αρμόδιων αρχών αποκομιδής. 

Με  την  ορθή  απόρριψη  αυτών  των  προϊόντων  και 

μπαταριών,  συμβάλλετε  στην  εξοικονόμηση  πολύτιμων 

πόρων  και  την  αποφυγή  τυχόν  αρνητικών  επιπτώσεων 

στην ανθρώπινη υγεία και το περιβάλλον. 

Για  περισσότερες  πληροφορίες  σχετικά  με  τη  συλλογή  και 

την  ανακύκλωση,  παρακαλούμε  απευθυνθείτε  στις  κατά 

τόπους υπηρεσίες συγκομιδής απορριμάτων. 

Σε  περίπτωση  αντικανονικής  απόρριψης  αυτού  του 

προϊόντος ενδεχομένως να επιβληθούν πρόστιμα, ανάλογα 

με τη νομοθεσία του εκάστοτε κράτους. 

Σημείωση για το σύμβολο μπαταρίας (σύμβολο κάτω):


Το σύμβολο αυτό μπορεί να απεικονίζεται σε συνδυασμό με 

ένα  χημικό  σύμβολο.  Αυτό  γίνεται  ώστε  να  υπάρχει 

συμφωνία με τις απαιτήσεις των εκάστοτε οδηγιών, που 

εκδόθηκαν για το εν λόγω χημικό. 

Nolietoto elektronisko ierīču un elektropreču un bateriju utilizācija 

Tikai Eiropas valstīs ar utilizācijas sistēmu 

Šis  simbols,  kas  izvietots  uz  ražojumiem,  iesaiņojuma 






elektroniskās  ierīces  un  elektropreces,  kā  arī  baterijas 

nedrīkst  izmest  kopā  ar  parastiem  mājsaimniecības 


Nogādājiet nolietotos  ražojumus  un  nokalpojušās baterijas 

tālākai  apstrādei,  pārstrādei,  resp.,  materiālu  otrreizējai 

pārstrādei  attiecīgajās  atkritumu  savākšanas  vietās 

saskaņā spēkā esošajām likumdošanas prasībām. 

Nododot  šos  ražojumus  un  baterijas  profesionālai 

utilizācijai,  jūs  palīdzēsiet  saudzēt  vērtīgus  resursus  un 

novērsīsiet  iespējamo  kaitējumu  cilvēku  veselībai  un  un 

apkārtējai videi. 

Lai iegūtu plašāku informāciju par atkritumu savākšanu un 

otrreizējo pārstrādi, lūdzam vērsties savā vietējā atkritumu 

pārstrādes uzņēmumā. 

Saskaņā  ar  nacionālo  likumdošanu  par  nepareizu  šāda 

veida atkritumu utilizēšanu var uzlikt naudas sodu. 

Norāde par baterijas simbolu (simbols apakšā):


Šis simbols var būt attēlots kombinācijā ar ķīmiskās vielas 

simbolu. Tādā gadījumā tas ir apzīmēts atbilstoši attiecīgo 

Direktīvu  prasībām,  kas  pieņemtas  attiecībā  uz  attiecīgo 


Уклањање старих апарата и батерија 

Само за Европску Унију и државе са системима рециклирања 

Овај симбол на производима, паковању и/или пратећим 

документима  значи  да  коришћени  електрични  и 

електронски  апарати  не  смеју  бити  бачени  у  обично 

кућно ђубре. 

Молимо  да  сходно  законским  одредбама  однесете 

старе  производе  и  искоришћене  батерије  у  надлежна 

сабирна  места  на  третман,  прераду,  односно 


Тиме  што  ћете  ове  производе  и  батерије  правилно 

уклонити  помажете  да  се  притом  заштите  вредни 

ресурси  и  избегну  евентуална  негативна  дејства  на 

људско здравље и човекову околину. 

Молимо да се за више информација у вези сакупљања 

и  рециклирања  обратите  Вашој  месној  служби  за 

уклањање отпада. 

За  непрописно  уклањање  овог  отпада  могу  бити 

изречене новчане казне према прописима државе. 

Упутство за симбол за батерију (симбол доле:)


Овај  симбол  може  бити  илустрован  у  комбинацији  са 

хемијским симболом. У том случају ово следи на основу 

захтева  оних  смерница  које  су  донешене  за  дотичне 


Vanade seadmete ja patareide jäätmekäitlus 

Ainult Euroopa Liidule ja ringlussevõtu süsteemidega riikidele 

Toodetel,  pakendil  ja/või  kaasasolevatel  dokumentidel  olevad  sümbolid  tähendavad,  et  elektri-  ja 

elektroonikatooteid ja patareisid ei tohi visata tavaliste olmejäätmete hulka. 

Vanade  toodete  ja  kasutatud  patareide  nõuetekohaseks  töötlemiseks,  taastamiseks  ja  ringlusse  võtmiseks 

viige need ettenähtud kogumiskohtadesse vastavalt riiklikele õigusaktidele. 

Nende  toodete  ja  patareide  korrektse  kõrvaldamisega  aitate  säästa  hinnalisi  ressursse  ning  vältida 

võimalikke kahjulikke mõjusid inimeste tervisele ja keskkonnale. 

Täpsema teabe saamiseks kogumise ja ringlussevõtu kohta pöörduge kohaliku omavalitsuse poole. 

Vastavalt riiklikele õigusaktidele võib selliste jäätmete ebakorrektse käitlemisega kaasneda trahv. 

Märkus patarei sümboli kohta :


Seda  sümbolit  võib  kasutada  kombinatsioonis  keemilise  sümboliga.  Sellisel  juhul  vastab  see  asjaomase 

kemikaali kasutamist reguleeriva direktiivi nõuetele. 






















Содержание MPR-S150H Series

Страница 1: Please read the operating instructions carefully before using this product and keep the operating instructions for future use See page 63 for all model numbers Operating Instructions Pharmaceutical...

Страница 2: ...OR MAX MIN TEMPERATURE 27 DISPLAY AND EXPORT OF DATA LOG Display export of temp and door operation logs 28 Export of temperature and door operation logs 30 Setting the log interval 31 Setting the devi...

Страница 3: ...MINAL 52 ALARMS AND SELF DIAGNOSIS 53 ROUTINE MAINTENANCE Cleaning of exterior interior and accessories 54 DEFROSTING 54 TROUBLESHOOTING 55 DISPOSAL OF UNIT 56 Decontamination of unit 56 TEMPERATURE R...

Страница 4: ...s is only for the pharmaceutical refrigerator MPR S150H and MPR S300H made by PHC Corporation The contents are subject to change without notice No part of the operating instructions may be reproduced...

Страница 5: ...are illustrated in the following way WARNING Warning indicates a potentially hazardous situation which if not avoided could result in serious injury or death CAUTION Failure to observe CAUTION signs...

Страница 6: ...install the unit Installation by unqualified personnel may cause water leakage electric shock or fire Install the unit in a location capable of bearing the total combined weight product optional acces...

Страница 7: ...ctly onto the unit as this may cause electric shock or short circuit Never put containers with liquid on top of the unit as this may cause electric shock or short circuit if the liquid is spilled Neve...

Страница 8: ...ting label attached to the unit Use of any other voltage or frequency other than that on the rating label may cause fire or electric shock Never damage the chamber wall or pipework in the chamber when...

Страница 9: ...e may be detrimental to health and may cause corrosion of internal components cooling circuit or electrical components To ensure the safety of the service engineer submit a safety check sheet with the...

Страница 10: ...g linearly to 50 relative humidity at 40 o C Mains supply voltage fluctuations up to 10 of the nominal voltage Transient overvoltages up to the levels of OVERVOLTAGE CATEGORY II Temporary OVERVOLTAGES...

Страница 11: ...onents to prevent electric shock Only a qualified engineer or service personnel should be allowed to open these covers This symbol indicates that caution is required Refer to product documentation for...

Страница 12: ...12 REFRIGERATOR COMPONENTS Main body MPR S300H MPR S150H Back side Interior light Interior light...

Страница 13: ...front These are screw bolts used to install and fix the unit Adjust the height of the levelling feet by turning the screw bolts until the two front casters are away from the floor page 16 Keyhole Pus...

Страница 14: ...y The normal status and standby status is changed by pressing this key for three seconds Pressing this key for three seconds during normal operation displays Waiting until the compressor stops After a...

Страница 15: ...the ambient temperature is subject to sudden changes it will not be possible to achieve a stable cooling performance A flat surface where the floor is also capable of bearing the total combined weight...

Страница 16: ...elling feet until the casters are raised above the floor surface Fig 1 In addition rotate the levelling feet slightly clockwise or anticlockwise and adjust them so that the unit is completely level Wh...

Страница 17: ...nt Items to be stored in the chamber must be placed on the shelves Do not put stored items directly on the bottom of the chamber How to remove the glass door Move the glass door to the center position...

Страница 18: ...age disappears and the buzzer stops when the battery switch of power failure alarm is turned ON 5 Set the date and time displayed on the temperature display to the current date and time pages 50 to 51...

Страница 19: ...of decimal representation mode In both the integer display and decimal display the chamber temperature is displayed repeatedly at certain interval when there is no key operation sleeping mode Pressing...

Страница 20: ...keypad lock is ON a change of setting is not accepted even if the key on the control panel is operated Temp Max Min Select this menu to check the maximum or minimum chamber temperature refrigerator or...

Страница 21: ...and door operation log 30 Data Log Setting Setting the log interval setting of device ID 31 to 32 Alarm Display of alarm log 33 Alarm Export Exporting the alarm log 34 Alarms Controls screen 1 10 Tem...

Страница 22: ...r key ENTER The Set Temp screen is displayed and the current setting 05 is displayed Fig 2 3 By pressing the right or left key move the cursor to select the digit to be changed Then change the figure...

Страница 23: ...y ENTER The Confirm PW screen is displayed Fig 4 6 Again input the password 6 digits and press the enter key ENTER The display returns to the Menu screen and LOCK is displayed on the upper right Fig 5...

Страница 24: ...ssword 6 digits and press the enter key ENTER The display returns to the Menu screen and LOCK on the upper right is disappeared Fig 4 Note The following screen will be displayed when the password does...

Страница 25: Max Min Fig 2 press the enter key ENTER The Temp Max Min screen is displayed and the maximum and minimum refrigerator temperature are displayed Fig 3 The display on the top 03 01 12 00 shows the st...

Страница 26: ...the current setting NO is displayed Fig 4 4 By pressing the up or down key change the setting to YES The setting is changed to NO or YES when the up or down key is pressed 5 Press the enter key ENTER...

Страница 27: ...Max Min screen is displayed 3 By pressing the up or down key move the cursor to the Max Min Interval Fig 2 and then press the enter key ENTER The Max Min Interval screen is displayed and the current...

Страница 28: ...3 4 With the highlighted Temp displayed on upper left Fig 3 press the enter key ENTER The Data Select screen is displayed Fig 4 5 By pressing the up or down key select the data item to be displayed T...

Страница 29: ...eezer and door operation for the selected date are exported with CSV files During exporting Exporting is displayed Note The following message may be indicated USB memory is disconnected this means a U...

Страница 30: ...are exported The log folder is created in the USB memory device and the exported file is saved in it in CSV format The exported file name consists of a device ID date of export and data name The date...

Страница 31: ...e Data Log Setting screen is displayed Fig 3 4 With the cursor on the Data Log Interval Fig 3 press the enter key ENTER The Data Log Interval screen is displayed Fig 4 5 By pressing the right or left...

Страница 32: displayed 4 By pressing the up or down key move the cursor to the Unique File ID Fig 3 and then press the enter key ENTER The Unique File ID screen is displayed Fig 4 5 By pressing the right or le...

Страница 33: key MENU HOME The Menu screen is displayed 2 By pressing the up or down key move the cursor to the Data Log Fig 1 and then press the enter key ENTER The Data Log screen is displayed Fig 2 3 By pr...

Страница 34: ...n is displayed Fig 4 6 By pressing the up down right or left key set a date of which alarm log is exported and then press the enter key ENTER 7 The alarm log for the set date is exported to the USB me...

Страница 35: ...door alarm buzzer buzzer suspended period buzzer volume remote alarm Interior Light The setting of interior light linked with the door operation always ON or always OFF and setting of lighting period...

Страница 36: ...isplayed Fig 3 4 The setting is changed to the integer display 00o C or decimal display 00 0o C when the up or down key is pressed 5 Press the enter key ENTER The setting is memorized and the screen i...

Страница 37: ...TER The Alarms Controls screen is displayed 3 By pressing the up or down key move the cursor to the Alarm Setting Fig 2 and then press the enter key ENTER The Alarm Setting screen is displayed 4 With...

Страница 38: ...screen is displayed 3 By pressing the up or down key move the cursor to the Alarm Setting Fig 2 and then press the enter key ENTER The Alarm Setting screen is displayed 4 By pressing the up or down k...

Страница 39: displayed 3 By pressing the up or down key move the cursor to the Alarm Setting Fig 2 and then press the enter key ENTER The Alarm Setting screen is displayed 4 By pressing the up or down key move...

Страница 40: ...g 1 and then press the enter key ENTER The Alarms Controls screen is displayed 3 By pressing the up or down key move the cursor to the Alarm Setting Fig 2 and then press the enter key ENTER The Alarm...

Страница 41: ...g the up or down key move the cursor to the Alarm Volume Fig 3 and then press the enter key ENTER The Alarm Volume screen is displayed and the current setting LOW is displayed Fig 4 5 By pressing the...

Страница 42: ...then press the enter key ENTER The Alarms Controls screen is displayed 3 By pressing the up or down key move the cursor to the Alarm Setting Fig 2 and then press the enter key ENTER The Alarm Setting...

Страница 43: ...ENTER The Light Setting screen is displayed 4 With the cursor on the Interior Light Fig 3 press the enter key ENTER The Interior Light screen is displayed and the current setting AUTO is displayed Fi...

Страница 44: ...displayed 4 By pressing the up or down key move the cursor to the LED Lighting Time Fig 3 and then press the enter key ENTER The Lighting Time screen is displayed and the current setting 10 is displa...

Страница 45: ...NTER The Alarms Controls screen is displayed 3 By pressing the up or down key move the cursor to the Comp Delay Fig 2 and then press the enter key ENTER The Comp Delay screen is displayed and the curr...

Страница 46: screen is displayed 4 With the cursor on the DAQ ID Fig 3 press the enter key ENTER The DAQ ID screen is displayed and the current setting 000 is displayed Fig 4 5 By pressing the right or left ke...

Страница 47: ...yed 4 By pressing the up or down key move the cursor to the DAQ Speed Fig 3 and then press the enter key ENTER The DAQ Speed screen is displayed and the current setting 2400 is displayed Fig 4 5 By pr...

Страница 48: displayed 4 By pressing the up or down key move the cursor to the Local Remote Fig 3 and then press the enter key ENTER The Local Remote screen is displayed and the current setting LOCAL is display...

Страница 49: ...4 With the cursor on the Date Format Fig 3 press the enter key ENTER The Date Format screen is displayed and the current setting YY MM DD is displayed Fig 4 5 By pressing the up or down key change th...

Страница 50: ...and the current date YY MM DD is displayed Fig 4 5 By pressing the right or left key select the digit to be changed and then change the figure by pressing the up or down key The figure can be changed...

Страница 51: ...he Time screen is displayed and the current time is displayed Fig 4 5 By pressing the right or left key select the digit to be changed and then change the figure by pressing the up or down key hh mm s...

Страница 52: ...esentative or agent to arrange the installation of a remote alarm device Location of remote alarm terminal left bottom back side Allowable contact capacity DC 30 V 2 A It is recommended to use interfa...

Страница 53: ...e Alarm mode Logged W02 Ref SNSR Short Short circuit of thermal sensor Blinking of red lamp Intermittent tone Alarm mode Logged W05 Freeze Warning Alarm of chamber temp equal or lower than 0 o C Blink...

Страница 54: ...hods is provided for the refrigerator Both of them are controlled automatically Cycle defrosting The refrigerator temperature is kept stable by ON OFF operation of the compressor When the compressor i...

Страница 55: ...r The door is opened No key operation is available The key lock is set in ON Set the key lock in OFF page 24 During the setting mode the mode returns to the temperature display mode The setting mode r...

Страница 56: ...Flammable and explosive product The unit contains flammable refrigerant When repairing or recycling only trained service personnel will repair and follow the procedure below Well ventilate the room t...

Страница 57: ...z s megakad lyozza az emberi eg szs g s a k rnyezet k rosod s t Amennyiben a begy jt ssel s jrafelhaszn l ssal kapcsolatban tov bbi k rd se lenne k rj k rdekl dj n a helyi nkorm nyzatn l E hullad kok...

Страница 58: ...cycling gem den gesetzlichen Bestimmungen den zust ndigen Sammelpunkten zu Endnutzer sind in Deutschland gesetzlich zur R ckgabe von Altbatterien an einer geeigneten Annahmestelle verpflichtet Batteri...

Страница 59: almindeligt husholdningsaffald For korrekt behandling indsamling og genbrug af gamle produkter og batterier skal du tage dem til indsamlingssteder i overensstemmelse med den nationale lovgivning...

Страница 60: ...weg te gooien helpt u mee met het besparen van kostbare hulpbronnen en voorkomt u potenti le negatieve effecten op de volksgezondheid en het milieu Voor meer informatie over inzameling en recycling ku...

Страница 61: ...R FAILURE ALARM OPTION It is recommended to install an optional battery kit for power failure alarm MPR 48B2 to prevent the rise of chamber temperature in the case of power failure At the power failur...

Страница 62: and tube type Condenser Wire and tube type Refrigerant R 600a Defrosting Cycle defrost forced defrost Defrost heater 90 W 120 W Drain pan heater 25 W Temperature controller ON OFF control system Te...

Страница 63: ...l or less than 80 R H Product name Pharmaceutical Refrigerator MPR S300H Model number MPR S300H PE MPR S300H PK MPR S300H PR MPR S300H PS Temperature control range 2 o C to 14 o C ambient temperature...

Страница 64: ...ontamination of the unit Unit interior No contamination Yes No Decontaminated Yes No Contaminated Yes No Others 3 Instructions for safe repair maintenance disposal of the unit a The unit is safe to wo...

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Страница 68: ...Printed in Indonesia LDCL062301 3 N0919 30120 1 1 1 Sakada Oizumi machi Ora gun Gunma 370 0596 Japan PHC Corporation 2019...
