Configuring the 6081RC for bridging application
Model 6081RC Network Access Server Getting Started Guide
8 • Configuring for bridged
The following section describes attaching Bridge 2 to the Ethernet port so traffic bridged from the remote
CPEs is forwarded to the LAN connected to the 6081RC front panel Ethernet port.
Bridge 2 can be attached to any physical interface including back-
plane Ethernet ports or other H.110 ports.
Figure 53. Interface Configuration page
Interface configuration
The Interface Configuration page displays all interfaces (physical and logical) previously defined. In this exam-
ple, PPP interfaces BCP 1 and BCP 2, and corresponding bridges Bridge 1 and Bridge 2, Ethernet A (6081RC
front panel Ethernet interface), and a Loopback interface (default) are shown.
BCP and bridge interfaces are only shown on this page after all steps
in H.110 channel configuration, Bridge Group configuration, and
PPP channel configuration have been completed.
To activate a PPP/BCP connection between the remote CPEs (Location1&2) and the 6081RC bridge, do
the following:
1. Click the check boxes in the Enable column to add a check to the BCP 1, BCP 2, and Bridge 2) entries in
the Interface column (see
figure 53
Although we are not using BCP 1 to bridge data, the 6081RC needs
to see this default PPP module enabled in order to activate the rest of
the sessions.
2. In the BCP 2 row (see
figure 53
), use the drop down menu under the Bridge Group column to select the
Bridge 2 - Location1&2” option. Under the Bridged column, place a checkmark on the box corresponding
to BCP2.
3. Click on the
button to save changes.