Model 6081RC Network Access Server Getting Started Guide
7 • VLAN configuration
The 6081RC supports vLAN (802.1Q) connections between remote users and a central location. To create a
VLAN connection for bridged PPP connections, each PPP connection is attached to a bridge connected to a
separate virtual Ethernet interface. Finally, each virtual interface is attached to a physical Ethernet port as
shown in
figure 36
Figure 36. VLAN connection diagram
Packets arriving from the remote CPE will be tagged with VLAN information and sent to the Ethernet port.
VLAN packets received from the LAN by the Ethernet port of the 6081RC and corresponding to the remote
CPE, will be stripped of VLAN information and passed to the bridge module for transmission to the
remote CPE.
To create VLAN connections, do the following:
1. Define an H.110 channel (see section
“Defining H.110 channels”
on page 45 for details).
2. Create a bridge group (see section
“Creating a bridge group”
on page 50).
3. Configure PPP channel parameters (see section
“PPP channel configuration”
on page 53).
4. Attach a VLAN ID to an Ethernet interface (see section
“Attaching a VLAN ID to an Ethernet interface”
5. Attach the bridge/PPP to the VLAN module (see section
“Attaching a bridge interface to a VLAN mod-
on page 60).
Attaching a VLAN ID to an Ethernet interface
Once a bridge group and PPP channel has been configured, do the following:
1. Click the VLAN(8021Q) link in the Configuration Menu pane (see
figure 17
on page 37) to display the
VLAN (802.1Q) Configuration page.
Figure 37. VLAN (802.1Q) Configuration page
2. In the Add VLAN section (see
figure 37
), select the interface that will process VLAN packets from the Par-
ent Interface menu.
H.110 port
PPP/Bridge BCP
Remote CPE
VLAN ID module
Ethernet port