5 Diagnostics
NetPath 100 User’s Manual - Installation Guide
November 2000
Rank - Number 1 to 6, showing the rank (with 1 being the highest) the line of statistics
holds compared to other talkers/conversations.
For Rank by Octet, the following are displayed:
Bps - The displayed Bps is calculated from the total count of Octets for the
particular talker/conversation in the indicated direction.
Octets - Count of bytes within packets for that particular talker/conversation.
The count includes only traffic passing from Network to User and User to
% Rate - The displayed % of rate is calculated from the total count of Octets for
the particular talker/conversation in the indicated direction, based on the
current data rate.
Near - Indicates the IP address(es) of the User Port Router. The heading shows
“Source” in Tx mode or “Destination” in Rx mode.
Far - Indicates the IP address(es) of the Network Router. The heading shows
“Destination” in Tx mode or “Source” in Rx mode.
NOTE: The “Far” fields are not displayed in Talker/Listener mode.
For Rank by Packet, the following are displayed:
Pkts - Count of packets for the talker/conversation. The count includes only
traffic passing from Network to User and User to Network.
Near & Far - As described above.
Additional commands on this screen are:
ResetStats [RS] - Clears all counters associated with Top statistics.
ViewHistory [VH current_time (optional)] - Advances to Page 1 of the
Top Talker/Conversation Statistics History screen.
The “current_time” optional parameter causes the history interval count to reflect
the actual time-of-day rather than a simple count of intervals. The entry is in 24-
hour format, using three or four digits. Example: 1445 = 2:45 PM.
Help [?] - Advances to “Help” for Top Talker/Conversation Statistics Summary
Close [X] - Returns to System View screen.
AutoUpdate [AU] - Provides automatic screen update and refresh (every five sec-
onds) of all statistics. No changes can be made while in this mode. AutoUpdate is ex-
ited by pressing ENTER.