Solar remote control setting
1) Solar Setting can only be set when the optional PCB connection is select "YES"
2) By remote controller, Setting as below list can be set for solar function operation (Installer Menu)
Solar Function ("YES" or "NO)
Tank Connection Direction ("DHW TANK" or "BUFFER TANK")
Delta T turns ON: Difference temperature setting between solar panel sensor and Tank to turn on solar
pump. (Range :5 ~ 15°C)
Delta T turns OFF: Difference temperature setting between solar panel thermistor and Tank to turn off
solar pump. (Range :2 ~ 10°C)
Outdoor temp for Anti-Freeze : Outdoor temp to start Anti-Freeze control for solar circuit. (Range : -20 ~
Tank Temperature HI Limit Set (Range : 70 ~ 90°C)
12.18.2 Solar Operation Control
Solar function can only be activate if the solar function selection “YES” from remote control. To achieve hot
water from solar panel, indoor need to control the solar pump and circulate hot water from solar panel.
Under normal case:
Solar pump start condition:
a) Solar panel temperature > Delta T turn on setting temp (R/C) + Tank temperature (depend on
selection, DHW or Buffer)
b) Tank temperature (DHW or Buffer) < Solar HI Limit Temp (R/C)
c) Operation ON with heat mode (apply to solar connect to "Buffer Tank" case)
* Condition c) ignore if the solar system is connect to DHW tank (control active under operation OFF
time for Tank connection case)
Solar pump stop condition:
a) Solar panel temperature < Delta T turn OFF setting temp (R/C) + Tank temperature (depend on
selection, DHW or Buffer)
b) Tank hot water temp >= Solar HI Limit Temp (R/C) + [2]°C
Under solar Anti-freeze protection control:
Solar pump start condition:
a) Outdoor temp < Outdoor temp setting for Anti-Freeze (R/C)
Solar pump stop condition:
a) Outdoor temp > Outdoor temp setting for Anti- [2]°C
**However, During Cool mode this function cannot activate if Tank selection is “Buffer Tank".
**Solar pump can operate even if Heat pump is under error stop.
Solar operation during error:
During Tank sensor (DHW or Buffer depend on selection) abnormal, Solar operation will not able to function.
During Solar Panel sensor detect OPEN (not include SHORT), Solar operation will not able to function too.