12.15 Alternative Outdoor Ambient Sensor Control
Purpose of the Alternative Outdoor Ambient Sensor:
It is some possibility that the air to water heat pump unit will install at a location where the original ambient
sensor is expose to direct sunlight. Therefore, another optional ambient sensor can be connect to indoor
PCB and locate at new and better reading location to improve the heat pump performance.
Control Detail:
Remocon can select either the extra outdoor ambient sensor is connected or not. (YES/NO)
The alternative outdoor ambient sensor will connect to indoor unit main PCB terminal.
a) when alternative sensor select NO
Original Outdoor temperature sensor will use for Indoor & Outdoor heat pump operation reference sensor.
Data communication direction : OUTDOOR send outdoor temperature reading to INDOOR.
Error judge : OUTDOOR will judge the original outdoor sensor error (F36 display if error detect). No
judge error on alternative outdoor sensor
b) when alternative sensor select YES
Alternative Outdoor temperature sensor will use for Indoor & Outdoor heat pump operation reference
Data communication direction : INDOOR send outdoor temperature reading to OUTDOOR.
Error judge : INDOOR will judge the Extra outdoor sensor error only after operation ON request received
from remocon.
(F36 display if error detect). No judge error on original outdoor sensor.
12.16 Force DHW mode
When user want to use hot water now, user can press this force DWH mode under the quick menu to operate tank
only mode to boil up the tank temperature.
Remocon setting:
Force DHW function can be activate under quick menu.
Control Content:
a) when press the Force DHW function during operation OFF condition:
When receive this Force DHW bit from remocon, indoor will run tank only mode regardless of the mode
After tank temperature achieve tank thermo off temperature, turn OFF force DHW bit and return to operation
OFF with previous mode selection.
b) When press the Force DHW function during operation ON condition:
When receive this Force DHW bit from remocon, indoor will memories the running mode and run tank only
mode regardless of the mode selection.
After tank temperature achieve tank thermo off temperature, turn OFF force DHW bit and return to previous
memories running mode.
* when operation OFF or mode change request from remocon during force DHW mode operation, End force
DHW mode and follow the new request operation.
* Once receive force DHW mode from remocon, indoor direct start tank mode and consider tank thermo ON.
Thermo OFF only when achieve tank thermo OFF depend on the Tank System Setting.