Using the URCap Plugin
OnRobot © 2018
Path ID
dropdown list: Lists identifiers of all the Paths saved on the Compute Box.
A Path ID is assigned to a path, when the path is saved. If there is no recorded
unsaved path, there is a
Create New…
item, select it to record a new path. If there
is a recorded Path that is not saved, there is an
item in the List. Only one
unsaved Path can exist, and it can be overwritten by starting Path recording while
Path is selected.
Delete Selected Path
button: Deletes the path currently selected in the
Path ID
dropdown list from the Compute Box, permanently. Do not delete Paths that any
other F/T Path commands also used.
Relative Path
checkbox: If it is checked, the Path is replayed starting from the
actual position of the Tool, instead of the absolute position where it was recorded.
If it is unchecked, the Tool moves to the original starting point, and replays the
Path from there.
Start Path Recording
button: Starts recording a Path, together with the Hand
Guide function. If the Hand guide is enabled before pressing the
Start Path
button, recording is immediately started. If the Hand Guide is not
Start Path Recording
button, recording starts only when enabling the
Hand Guide function.
Stop Path Recording
button: Stops the Hand Guide function and stores the
recording to the memory. It does not permanently save the Path.
Move to Path Starting Point [HOLD]
button: moves the Tool to the starting
position of the Path, it can only be used if the path is not relative.
Start Path Replay
button: Replays the Path, even if it is not saved, only stored in
the memory.
Stop Path Replay
button: Stops replaying the Path.